Who else is Mormon?

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Something I should say is that we should all respect one another regardless of sex, race, religion and whatever else. We are all unique and different. It's part of makes us individuals. I see lots of respect though. :D
galactiboy said:
I actually misread the thread and though it said "who is a moron?" and thought thats me!

But no, I'm not a Mormon... so now I feel a bit left out of the thread. Finally thought someone else was a moron too :monkey2

I thought the same thing:eek:(just a quick glance a Mormon and saw Moron)

I guess that makes at least 2 morons on this board.
I have no problems with religion per say. If it helps people, then great. I understand that some people need to feel like they are part of something that is bigger than you or me and it helps them deal with rough times. I can respect that. As long as they respect my right to respectfully disagree. When people carry out actions, namely murder or war in the name of 'God' is when I lose it. I've never understood people's desire to have everyone think the way that they do and to murder them for not. But now I'm speaking over my head so I'll just go shut up and join Tom in hating vegetarians (especially vegans) :D
Darth Loki said:
I have no problems with religion per say. If it helps people, then great. I understand that some people need to feel like they are part of something that is bigger than you or me and it helps them deal with rough times. I can respect that. As long as they respect my right to respectfully disagree. When people carry out actions, namely murder or war in the name of 'God' is when I lose it. I've never understood people's desire to have everyone think the way that they do and to murder them for not. But now I'm speaking over my head so I'll just go shut up and join Tom in hating vegetarians (especially vegans) :D

I shall pray for your soul, as you are surely going to Hell for your atheistic beliefs:D
King Darkness said:
I thought the same thing:eek:(just a quick glance a Mormon and saw Moron)

I guess that makes at least 2 morons on this board.

Hey hey, I'm a Moron too! Sometimes...
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With all due respect, why is this even a topic on this forum? I know we talk about alot of different things here, but why this? As a matter of fact, why would you care who is a Mormon, Catholic or whatever? How does it relate to this hobby in any way? I don't get it. :confused:

MisterToyNYC said:
How does it relate to this hobby in any way? I don't get it. :confused:


That is why it is in "Other Discussion" section, which just isnt collectibles.
Don't care about anyone's religion (as long as it doesn't include explosives strapped to your chest).

I do care if one starts talking about Scientology....Science Fiction and bad science fiction at that. Hell, a religion based on Star Wars would sound more feasible and cost a lot less money!!!