Who hates the Current Economy?

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FlyAndFight;1430766"[B said:
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
-Thomas Jefferson

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
-Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-Thomas Jefferson

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
-Thomas Jefferson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson[/B]
That Jefferson was one smart dude.

What government do I suggest? definitely none of the options you listed above...how about small government and government out of our lives and a government that follows the laws of the land....The US Constitution and Bill of Rights

I want Freedom, plain and simple..as its our God given right to be Free!
You sound like a completel idiot wanting a big brother watching over you..I can tell, you will gladly enter into a Concentration Camp and can tell you love your Masters.One more thing...this country is not a Democracy...we are a Constitutional Republic and if people knew the difference we would be a better country here...

If our Republic was operating as it was intended, government would protect the rights of individuals to live as they wish and to maintain a sound monetary system


watch this video....this man tells it like it is

But the Government has to have some control over certain things, or else it all falls apart. The founders were lucky, the country at that point wasn't the superpower it is now. Back then, it was much smaller and easier to keep the infrastructure intact. To have no control now would end badly for us, greed would spiral out of control and our country would collapse.

The US of today is not the US of Jefferson or of any of the founding Fathers. While we cannot allow our country to turn into a dictatorship, we also cannot go back in time and be the same country we were in 1780. We have to find a middle ground.

I'm all for freedom, I fought for freedom... but without some government control...we are all doomed.
The government should double taxes on capital gains for anyone that has over 1 million in. As of right now, the tax rate is 17% on capital gains for that amount. This is a lower rate than what most middle-class Americans pay and the ultra-rich are smart enough to put all of their assets into CG to pay this lower tax rate. I know it is illegal, but I would be happy if the government went in and reclaimed all bonuses given to CEO's at ANY company receiving bailout funds.

i would b down for that.......but while were taking money from ppl, i think we should just hunt down and "whack" all mobsters and drug dealers in this country and take all their drug money........i mean whos goin to miss them right? :monkey3
teemu bro, please feel free to send me ALL of your worthless paper :D
But the Government has to have some control over certain things, or else it all falls apart. The founders were lucky, the country at that point wasn't the superpower it is now. Back then, it was much smaller and easier to keep the infrastructure intact. To have no control now would end badly for us, greed would spiral out of control and our country would collapse.

The US of today is not the US of Jefferson or of any of the founding Fathers. While we cannot allow our country to turn into a dictatorship, we also cannot go back in time and be the same country we were in 1780. We have to find a middle ground.

I'm all for freedom, I fought for freedom... but without some government control...we are all doomed.

I agree,I didnt say no government,I said small government, not more government taking away our rights. A government that follows the laws of the land, our Constitution
I agree,I didnt say no government,I said small government, not more government taking away our rights. A government that follows the laws of the land, our Constitution

The Gov hasn't taken away any of our rights. We are still a free society, no matter what your crazy Youtube videos suggest. I can still start a business if I want, I can own guns, I can run for office, own anything, do almost anything. How in the Hell is that not freedom?
But the Government has to have some control over certain things, or else it all falls apart. The founders were lucky, the country at that point wasn't the superpower it is now. Back then, it was much smaller and easier to keep the infrastructure intact. To have no control now would end badly for us, greed would spiral out of control and our country would collapse.

The US of today is not the US of Jefferson or of any of the founding Fathers. While we cannot allow our country to turn into a dictatorship, we also cannot go back in time and be the same country we were in 1780. We have to find a middle ground.

I'm all for freedom, I fought for freedom... but without some government control...we are all doomed.

You left out the main thing the goverment is there to represent the will of the people. Not to tell them what to do and say its for the peoples own good. Whats good for one person is not good for all. As far as comparing times there is no basic difference in what the goverment should be doing today and what they did then. The goverments job is not to regulate greed thats the consumers. If sideshow started charging 200.00 a figure and it was still on a buck with nothing more than a uniform and a bad paint job would you buy it ? I wouldn't, like must, and in turn they would have to adjust their pricing or go out of business. We should have more say over government not the opposite.
You left out the main thing the goverment is there to represent the will of the people. Not to tell them what to do and say its for the peoples own good. Whats good for one person is not good for all. As far as comparing times there is no basic difference in what the goverment should be doing today and what they did then. The goverments job is not to regulate greed thats the consumers. If sideshow started charging 200.00 a figure and it was still on a buck with nothing more than a uniform and a bad paint job would you buy it ? I wouldn't, like must, and in turn they would have to adjust their pricing or go out of business. We should have more say over government not the opposite.

I never said that anyone should be told what to do or say... people have to make their own choices. But regulation to battle greed is needed. Consumers will pay whatever the market demands for things that they need, and if speculators run up costs to fill their own pockets and it leads to the market falling out from under everyone's feet...well.. that's wrong and needs to be watched more carefully.

I don't want a dictatorship or anything close to it, I just think that government intervention in the economy isn't a bad thing if handled correctly. The great thing about this country is that no leader can just change the entire system and get away with it, especially if it doesn't work or takes away freedom from the people. We can voice our opinions and vote the person out of office the next term... ridding ourselves of the laws we thought unlawful.

And in a time of crisis, I would rather let the Government attempt to fix the issue than to leave it to the divided and often uneducated masses of America. Most people have no idea what they can do to fix the situation, so I don't mind if the educated leaders of our country give it a good try.
You left out the main thing the goverment is there to represent the will of the people. Not to tell them what to do and say its for the peoples own good. Whats good for one person is not good for all. As far as comparing times there is no basic difference in what the goverment should be doing today and what they did then. The goverments job is not to regulate greed thats the consumers. If sideshow started charging 200.00 a figure and it was still on a buck with nothing more than a uniform and a bad paint job would you buy it ? I wouldn't, like must, and in turn they would have to adjust their pricing or go out of business. We should have more say over government not the opposite.

The trouble is, people won't say anything. They keep electing the same congressmen, year after year after year. They never hold anyone accountable. They ^^^^^ but do nothing.
The trouble is, people won't say anything. They keep electing the same congressmen, year after year after year. They never hold anyone accountable. They ^^^^^ but do nothing.

I think you'll find if you look at the last two election cycles, that quite a few sitting congress members lost their seats to newer ones. Since you're saying that, I hope you participated in the political process in your local area by spreading the word/donating/whatever, since many people say things like the above, but never participate, which just perpetuates it.
I think you'll find if you look at the last two election cycles, that quite a few sitting congress members lost their seats to newer ones. Since you're saying that, I hope you participated in the political process in your local area by spreading the word/donating/whatever, since many people say things like the above, but never participate, which just perpetuates it.

A few, but there are congressmen in there that have been in the Senate and Congress for years and years, and they keep getting right back in despite what they do or don't do.

As for your comment.....I vote every election, big or small and I do my part. Thank you.
I don't want a dictatorship or anything close to it, I just think that government intervention in the economy isn't a bad thing if handled correctly. The great thing about this country is that no leader can just change the entire system and get away with it, especially if it doesn't work or takes away freedom from the people. We can voice our opinions and vote the person out of office the next term... ridding ourselves of the laws we thought unlawful.

And in a time of crisis, I would rather let the Government attempt to fix the issue than to leave it to the divided and often uneducated masses of America. Most people have no idea what they can do to fix the situation, so I don't mind if the educated leaders of our country give it a good try.


Ok Teemu, give me one example of a country in the modern world that has a government system you would support. And surely when you talk about the Constitution, Jefferson, and freedom, you are including the millions of slaves that weren't covered under the Constitution considering that it took over 80 years for slaves to be free and big government had to force that issue; right? Or how about how 'big brother' saved this country from complete collapse during the Great Depression? I guess you think we should have had a small government that would have let families continue to lose everything, let every bank in the US fail, and not provide any services to the elderly and poor.

And since the Constitution doesn't talk about education, every state should be able to teach whatever the heck it wants and surely states have the right to segregation because that is "separate but equal." I guess 'big brother' should have stayed out of the civil rights movement and if some parents want their kids to stay home and not get an education, by all means.

I won't even touch drug use or environmental issues... Look, I agree with you that we have some major issues with greed, debt, irresponsibility, social-dependence, moral decline, and corruption in this country and that change is needed. However, calling people sheep and slaves running to our masters is just plain childish. Saying that we should try to run the most powerful country in the world, without a living and adaptable Constitution and a government that helps fix issues involved with said country, is just plain irrational.

A few, but there are congressmen in there that have been in the Senate and Congress for years and years, and they keep getting right back in despite what they do or don't do.
I think one big problem is that our country is becoming so divided on ideology that we are constantly forced to choose between the proverbial "lesser of two evils."

Ok Teemu, give me one example of a country in the modern world that has a government system you would support. And surely when you talk about the Constitution, Jefferson, and freedom, you are including the millions of slaves that weren't covered under the Constitution considering that it took over 80 years for slaves to be free and big government had to force that issue; right? Or how about how 'big brother' saved this country from complete collapse during the Great Depression? I guess you think we should have had a small government that would have let families continue to lose everything, let every bank in the US fail, and not provide any services to the elderly and poor.

And since the Constitution doesn't talk about education, every state should be able to teach whatever the heck it wants and surely states have the right to segregation because that is "separate but equal." I guess 'big brother' should have stayed out of the civil rights movement and if some parents want their kids to stay home and not get an education, by all means.

I won't even touch drug use or environmental issues... Look, I agree with you that we have some major issues with greed, debt, irresponsibility, social-dependence, moral decline, and corruption in this country and that change is needed. However, calling people sheep and slaves running to our masters is just plain childish. Saying that we should try to run the most powerful country in the world, without a living and adaptable Constitution and a government that helps fix issues involved with said country, is just plain irrational.

I think one big problem is that our country is becoming so divided on ideology that we are constantly forced to choose between the proverbial "lesser of two evils."


One of the most truthful and insightful posts ever posted here at Freaks about politics. Well said man, well said. :duff
I never said that anyone should be told what to do or say... people have to make their own choices. But regulation to battle greed is needed. Consumers will pay whatever the market demands for things that they need, and if speculators run up costs to fill their own pockets and it leads to the market falling out from under everyone's feet...well.. that's wrong and needs to be watched more carefully.

I don't want a dictatorship or anything close to it, I just think that government intervention in the economy isn't a bad thing if handled correctly. The great thing about this country is that no leader can just change the entire system and get away with it, especially if it doesn't work or takes away freedom from the people. We can voice our opinions and vote the person out of office the next term... ridding ourselves of the laws we thought unlawful.

And in a time of crisis, I would rather let the Government attempt to fix the issue than to leave it to the divided and often uneducated masses of America. Most people have no idea what they can do to fix the situation, so I don't mind if the educated leaders of our country give it a good try.

I get what your saying but when you regulate something you are dictating to a degree. We don't know the reasons for the bonuses. They may have been part of contracts or based on increases. It may sound crazy when someone says he got a bonus and the company was down 10%. But the company may have been 50% down last year and he got the bonus for what he did to improve the company by 40%. We don't know and to generalize is dangerous.
And who is to decide what is greedy I heard one of the congressmen say the CEOs bonuses should not be more than what the President made. He makes 400 Thousand a year. Does that sound fair ? A-rod gets 50 mill a year and his team doesn't make the playoffs. Whats the difference ? And as far as the companies that got bailouts paying their CEOs bonuses the simple answer is the goverment should take back their money or stay out of it. By the way did you know the congress just voted themselves a raise just about a month ago.
We just gave them a bailout in October, because all this money their throwing around isn't the goverments it's ours.

IMO most people are too stupid to have total "freedom" and anarchy would arise. Hell, most people are even too stupid to drive a vehicle...
IMO most people are too stupid to have total "freedom" and anarchy would arise. Hell, most people are even too stupid to drive a vehicle...

They must not have gone to those government schools :rotfl:rotfl

I think one big problem is that our country is becoming so divided on ideology that we are constantly forced to choose between the proverbial "lesser of two evils."

True, and alot of people will only vote one party no matter how bad the person is running.
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