The forums are already separated into sections, topics and then threads. And topics are generally the same thing as sub-groups. To me, this is really just about adding new levels to the current organization. And beyond the basics...few people organize exactly like the next person. I am all for the adding of levels to the organization, but it can be taken too far. Even to the point of the organization becoming a detriment to its own effectiveness.
As it stands right now, I think the biggest problem with the clarity of the forums is a few of the thread starters not taking in to consideration how to word the thread title in such a way that the content is concise, but cleary stated. For example over in the Joe section, there are multiple threads for Firefly. There are 2 threads for basic discussion of the Sideshow 1:6 figure, one called "Firelfy?", one called "Sideshow Firefly", there is one about a revision to a custom Firefly called "Firefly V.2", and one specific to the hate on the Sideshow Firefly called "Poll: The Firefly controversy". And this is just an example, this condition exists all over the forum.
And the only two that make the content clear are "Sideshow Firefly" and "Poll: The Firefly controversy". Now, "Firefly?" is the primary Thread for the Sideshow Figure. If it had been named clearly in the first place, the second one "Sideshow Firefly" likely would not have been started. And if "Firefly V.2" had been more clearly titled as "My custom Firefly V2.0" then it would be even less likely to be mistaken for say...the hoped-for result of all of the whining they are doing over there about the current Firefly being offered by Sideshow.
If the thread starters would just make sure that they are more specific about the intended thread content by keeping them simple and adding the critical information such as full, correct name of the collectible piece or set and exactly what is to be discussed...even the searches would be easier...and the confusion would clear at least a little. And then, if a second closely related thread gets started such as the Firefly Poll, it will be a lot less annoying than it seems to be to some (no, I am not one of them) as it would happen much less frequently.
I would even be for having the mods create a standard format for naming threads and requiring the members to submit new threads to the mods to post in order to keep things from getting to far out of hand if it ever became necessary to do that. I don't think it is at that point yet, but I would be good with it just the same. And this could be done by the mods anticipating the obvious threads that would be started such as "Darth Maul: Sideshow Toy's 1:6 Scale Action Figure - General Discussion" Or Asajj Ventress: Sideshow Toy's 1:4 Scale Premium Format Figure - General Discussion", or, if a specific aspect of the figure ended up warranting it's own thread, "Obi-Wan Kenobi(The Clone Wars - Clone Armor): Sideshow 1:6 Scale Action Figure - Ewan McGregor likeness discussion" or as in the case of Firefly, "Firefly: Sideshow 1:6 Scale Action Figure: Design Discussion." And then if a member wants to discuss a topic that does not exist, say a character that they would like to see made, they could just they could just use a pre developed system for contacting all the mods in a subject and whichever one is available can create the thread.
And the mods could be liberal enough with that in the case of someone who understandably does not want to sort through 1000 posts about general discussion to find posts on a specific aspect that might draw a reasonably sized discussion. For example, if I were a mod under these conditions, I would not be OK with starting a thread on the color of Firefly' balaclava, but I would be OK with starting a thread for the discussion of his overall design.
I am also aware that this kind of system would have it's own issues. And a new issue or two might be created. For example, this one would take some of the freedoms away from the members where discretion of starting new threads goes (and I know that some of the members would have an issue with that). Every system has it's flaws. But I do believe that it would make the boards, in general, easier to navigate and search.