Super Freak
Spike had one of my favorite lines in the whole series:
"I might be love's ++++++, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
"I might be love's ++++++, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
In the end, Spike may have fought the good fight, but it was Angel who not only fought, but inspired others to fight.
I think that is a key distinction.
Yeah, Angel did spend a long time coming to terms with his guilt for all of the suffering he caused. Apparently, that wasn't a big problem for Spike.
Those were lawyers so technically Angel was doing a good deed for humanity.
I know you're partly joking, but many people conveniently ignore ensouled Angel's missteps, some of which are quite serious. Badism mentioned one from the episode "Are you Now or Have You Ever Been." Angel allowed a bunch of humans to be taken by a demon after they attempted to kill him. The people believed that Angel was responsible for the demon's hauntings. This event took place in the Hyperion Hotel back in the 50's. Sure, Angel had just been wrongly accused and attacked, but a true champion walks the high road.
im pretty sure angel was cursed with his original soul. the soul of liam, since he can remember his family and stuff.
Think about this; Angel was cursed with a soul, not his soul. So was the good that Angel did really a product of his own heroism or is it to be attributed to this soul's influence on him?
Spike fought for his soul. Spike fought in order to give Buffy quote;" What that +++++ deserves". What he wanted to give her was a man capable of loving her, a man with a soul. True, he fought evil for her sake, but he gave up his life for her sake, is that selfish?
As I remember, Angel was a champion so he could make up for the great evil that he did. Spike became a champion for the love of a woman. Which motive is more pure? Which motive is more selfish?
actually joss said he was fighting for his soul all along but the viewer was supposed to think he was trying to lose the chip. he called it a "plot twist".I dont think Spike was after his soul, what I gathered from that was he was after what he once was, he wanted to be the ruthless Slayer killing vampire he was once. He was doing it so he could kill Buffy not so she would love him. Now its been a while since I saw the last seasons of the show, so if it was somewhere confiremd that he was fighting to get his soul back then ignore my crazy rantings. But that's what I got from it when I saw that episode.
Angle is legitamtley trying to do good, Spike did it to get with Buffy and then most likley just to spite Angle.
its brought up in the "academy of television arts and sciences discussion" feature in the season 6 dvd i believe.Very good then, never read or heard any intreviews on the subject or commentaries. All I had was what I recalled from the episode.
its a great roundtable discussion about season 6. i remember this part because joss was saying he invented the "plot twist" with an air quote gesture. pretty funny.Thanks, I'll make a note to check that out when I get around to picking up season 6 on DVD.
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