In unrelated news! I GOT A PACKAGE!!!! From the unbelievably awesome
He also sent me a t-shirt...but I haven't taken a pic yet. :/
And the cricket ball is awesome too!
So up to now...I've only taste the Pineapple Lumps, Milo and the Honeycomb Tim Tams!
This is my review!
Pascall Pineapple Lumps:
Are freaking sweet as hell....but soooo delicious! I can only eat one at a time. I tried to eat two in a row...but I was to intense.

The first time I ate it I was thrown off cuz I didn't expect the filling to be so hard.

It's definitely something I've never eaten before! Theonly thing I can compare it to is American Circus Peanuts, but harder and minus the chocolate.
So I give the Pineapple Lumps : 3/5
Milo (cold...waiting to drink it hot when it's winter here in a couple months
): I couldn't understand the taste....i was like this chocolate, is this malt, is this wheat?!?! But the more and more I drink didn't matter...cuz it was GREAT!! After I drank it...i read the package and saw it was made out of barley or whatever. Can't wait to taste it hot!
Milo: 3.5/5
HoneyComb Tim Tams: OH EM GEE! These are made by angels! So crunchy, and chocolaty!
I love the original ones...but theses are just OMG!
So thats my review for now....I'll be back when I taste the chocolate crunch one!