who wants a selene figure from underworld?

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I'm really interested depending on how low they can get the price. $250 is way out of my range $175 or below is still high but I might be able to do it.

Anybody have experience with these guys? I'm not a member of onesixthwarrior so I'm a little hesitant. Also not being familiar with the guy also makes me hesitant.

Are they talking about a full figure custom or just head sculpts and outfit? Will the sculpt be painted? What is the turn around? Just some questions.

Well, they are well respected customizers. Never heard a complain about them. They just have completed a Milla RE1 comission a while ago. As I saw, they also always keep everyone updated as things move along. The threads are mostly on Triad Toys forum. They also sell things on eBay.

As for the figure, everything is included. The sculpt (with different options of hair style), cloths, body, weapons, painting. But the sculpt alone is available to sell unpainted if you contact them.

It's already explained on the thread at OSW.

Hope it helps.
For those who can't access OSW, the details about the project.

IKE-CON said:
** We produced about 15 total of these Selene figures in different sculpt styles (All resin Selene sculpt, Dry Mo-hair sculpt, Wet look mo-hair sculpt). Though we don't make the figure anymore, we can still cast up heads and sell those if you want to try to make your own. I guess if we got enough interest we could do a another run on some figures, maybe.

I think we can actually improve on the figure. With our new clothes maker, we can make the corset & gauntlets film accurate. She is a specialist in leather items. As our Kate was back then, she had a plain leather corset without all the elaborate stitch design from the film. Also back then no real gauntlets to speak of.

As everyone can see the sculpt already and how the figure looks in general, we need a real commitment If we do make another run on a new Kate figure. The more we can make the less it will cost everyone. Previous figures sold from $175 to $250. Once I get an idea of how many are really interested,
I can submit a plan or pattern to the clothes maker and break down the final cost.

We need to make a min of 10 figures, better if 20+, otherwise it wouldn't be cost effective for any of us.
Just to give you an idea, the last figures outfit cost for us was around $115 to produce, just for the outfit.

So make a post on here if truely interested.

Then after I have a good idea on how many & cost, we can start a new
post for pre-orders.

This would be a great figure for the new Triad EVA body that comes out in a few months. That would be the body I plan on using if we do another Selene run.



Pictures (First post)
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I cant believe there are guys on here that are not members there.they have alot of good stuff on there.its a board like the freak board.membership is pretty easy.just the basicinfo needed to be a member.most of the stuff on there is military,but they do have a good bit of other stuff too.so come on guys get on board and check it out and get your name on the list so we can get a good cost break on this awesome figure!!!
please!please!! dont make me beg.
I'd take the head sculpt and try and do my own. If that happens. Keep me in mind then. I actually like the sculpted hair better as well.