^It's still a good figure. People are just pissed that it's a re release of an already perfect figure.

Ok, this is RIDDICKULES.
I know the old version was even marked as "Fig0TheYar" and "BezdFigEvah" but still it's an awful figure

^It's still a good figure. People are just pissed that it's a re release of an already perfect figure.
Ok, this is RIDDICKULES.
I know the old version was even marked as "Fig0TheYar" and "BezdFigEvah" but still it's an awful figure![]()
I was thinking are people hating on this release simply because Enterbay are now on the scene?
From what I can tell this release is not that different to what the DX01 was to the original MMS Joker figure; Same character, same look, better headsculpt, better tailoring and better/more accessories and that's more or less what this new Terminator is; Same character, same look, arguably a better headsculpt (personally I can see positives in both old and new), better tailoring and better/more accessories.
Okay the DX01 came with a second outfit and a second headsculpt to make a second figure and while it's undeniable that the DX01 did trump the original with the headsculpt with the Terminator its debatable but still there's not THAT much difference between the two releases and yet back when the DX01 was announced the whole world rejoiced
Also on the base that everyone is moaning about I didn't see too many complaints that Hot Toys bundled the DX08 & 09 with the same base likewise the original DX01 & 02 or is it a case because those figures were from the same series bundling the same base in is okay?
Like I say are people just complaining to the lengths that they are now because Enterbay are now on scene?
My issue is that I already have the first release, and I don't see what is so great about this new one to justify buying it in addition to what I already have, or even to replace what I already have. I don't care much about the new accessories, the scalp gimmick is useless to me, and the tailoring of the suit doesn't look much different to me from the previous release (though I'll defer to others who can tell if this is the case), certainly not enough for me to want a new figure because of it. The head sculpt, to me, is no improvement whatsoever. If anything, it looks less natural than the painted eyes somehow. So, from my POV, just comparing this to the previous T2 figure, I can't find much of a reason to shell out $200 for this.I was thinking are people hating on this release simply because Enterbay are now on the scene?
From what I can tell this release is not that different to what the DX01 was to the original MMS Joker figure; Same character, same look, better headsculpt, better tailoring and better/more accessories and that's more or less what this new Terminator is; Same character, same look, arguably a better headsculpt (personally I can see positives in both old and new), better tailoring and better/more accessories.
Okay the DX01 came with a second outfit and a second headsculpt to make a second figure and while it's undeniable that the DX01 did trump the original with the headsculpt with the Terminator its debatable but still there's not THAT much difference between the two releases and yet back when the DX01 was announced the whole world rejoiced
Also on the base that everyone is moaning about I didn't see too many complaints that Hot Toys bundled the DX08 & 09 with the same base likewise the original DX01 & 02 or is it a case because those figures were from the same series bundling the same base in is okay?
Like I say are people just complaining to the lengths that they are now because Enterbay are now on scene?
I have no issue with HT re-upping figures, but generally they provide us with genuine upgrades--DX Joker and Batman, Iron Man Mark II, Batman Begins V2, etc. I'm just not seeing it here. The battle damage options would have made this an automatic buy.
It's got a different sculpt with PERS and the brain chip, that alone is worth the price of admission for me. The leather clothing and extra weapons are a bonus. I'm not to keen on the stand (Tron?) but I can live with that. I think they're saving the final Steel Mill version for last, but it will happen. I can understand people only wanting a cople of version of a figure, but I'm more than happy to be getting a figure that represents the deleted scenes from the movie. That's pure gold to me.