Who's going to ORC this weekend?

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Darklord Dave

Super Freak
Sep 3, 2005
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SSC is there for 3 panels where they can hem and haw about why there aren't any new PF or 1/6 figures.

Or perhaps they'll debut something.....?
I really think there is a strong possibilty of SS debuting a PF figure. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. It's been long enough...
That was exactly what I was hoping for as well, that they'd debut a new LOTR item there (PF was what I was thinking)

But the press about their panels and such have been pretty cut and dry, so I am not getting my hopes up at this point.
They are showing off the Faramir figure, the Sauron bust and the Crack of Doom diorama. I wouldn't expect much more--certainly not something like the first PF announcement in 13 months.
I'll be there. Should be interesting this year since it will be an even smaller turn out than last year and a smaller venue. I doubt there will be any kind of annoucement though from Sideshow.
Wish I could go. I kind of doubt they announce the first PF in a while there as well. If they do though that's awesome!! :chew
I was debating going Sat or Sun - but my Kong Armature is set to ship. :cool:
ME ME ME! I'll be there keeping an eye on the production boys on both Saturday and Sunday - if you're in the neighborhood, drop by and say hi!
Will Sideshow be posting pictures Dusty? I really really want to see lots more pics of Faramir and I'm dying to know how close to production it is. I just hope he's as good as Boromir! If anybody else goes, please take lots of pictures of Faramir too! Thanks guys, now that Boromir is here the wait is killing me--this is the last leg of the journey before I get my Faramir!!!!
I would think they would debut something there. I mean this is the only real LotR convention that could be compaired to a Star Wars Celebration (although I'm sure the SW C's are much bigger). It would seem that the target audience of this products would be there so why not show something new off?
The first ORC they premiered the Pippin statue and we got our first glimpse of Charwen. But ORC has become a much more muted convention, I doubt there will be anything new shown. But perhaps we can extract some info out of the boys.
The boys from the 'show had to back out of the Sunday panel - so if you're planning on seeing them on Sunday - you'll be very disappointed. But the 2 panels on Saturday are still on.

Anyone have any burning questions that we should ask?

(Besides "When/what is the next 12 inch/PF?")
What's Dusty's phone number and does she like British accents?


Seriously though (ahem!)...

Are they experiencing many unforseen problems developing the Hobbit size body and roughly how far off is it until we may see sufficient progress that they can prototype them up?
Darklord Dave said:
The boys from the 'show had to back out of the Sunday panel - so if you're planning on seeing them on Sunday - you'll be very disappointed. But the 2 panels on Saturday are still on.

Anyone have any burning questions that we should ask?

(Besides "When/what is the next 12 inch/PF?")

How do they plan on approaching Gandalf's and Sauraman's long hair and beards. Would they just do plastic like Legolas and Qui-Gon or would they try something else because long hair in the front AND the back would limit the head articulation a lot.

When the hobbit/dwarf/jawa/midget bodies are completed will they feature nearly the same articulation a standard figure has, more limited, or even statue-like as in Salacious Crumb or Jabba.

WHY aren't there more PF/12"ers? They are continually cranking out SW items on the same level of difficulty. Could they at least honestly tell us that they are just following the SW money or if they are seriously just having problems with LotR?

Any Chance of Aragorn's Lothlorian cloak, Boromir's regular cloak, and Legolas' other bow being released as some sort of accessory/expansion pack or at all in some other way?

Are any 1:6 Horses being developed or thought about?

Can we expect orcs and other military characters or will the 1:6 line not stray far from the Fellowship, main good guys, and a main bad guy or two?

Sorry for the amount of questions, but I think most are valid questions most of us have. Thanks Dave!
Sorry, I didn't see your post Buttmunch before heading out - some good questions there. Horses did come up for the 1/6 and Heath and Jared thought it was a good idea, but I got the impression that it hadn't really been considered.

They are developing more PFs, probably won't be more than 2 or 3 announced this year though.

One thing that made me very nervous was the trend to more fully sculpted LotR product and less of the PF or 1/6 variety. A show of hands demonstrated that more fans were interested in that type of item and Heath said they had noticed that trend. I hope they don't take that seriously.

They showed David Wenham his beautiful Faramir figure and he liked it very much and seemed surprised that it even existed.

Hobbits are coming in 1/6, but sounded like it would be a long time in coming.
I just love the 1/6 line and hope it continues at a slightly faster pace. I think this line has been outstanding so far and worth the extra $. Wish it was selling better...
Darklord Dave said:
Sorry, I didn't see your post Buttmunch before heading out - some good questions there. Horses did come up for the 1/6 and Heath and Jared thought it was a good idea, but I got the impression that it hadn't really been considered.

They are developing more PFs, probably won't be more than 2 or 3 announced this year though.

One thing that made me very nervous was the trend to more fully sculpted LotR product and less of the PF or 1/6 variety. A show of hands demonstrated that more fans were interested in that type of item and Heath said they had noticed that trend. I hope they don't take that seriously.

They showed David Wenham his beautiful Faramir figure and he liked it very much and seemed surprised that it even existed.

Hobbits are coming in 1/6, but sounded like it would be a long time in coming.

No problem Dave. Sounds like most of them got answered anyway. I guess we all figured Hobbits were a while off. At least they are thinking about the Horses. That is the first step to them actually being made. After Jabba and his throne, I seriously don't think there is anything Sideshow could do. That includes a Rancor or Cave Troll :google