Who's going to pass on the movie cap for the avangers one?

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Im going to keep this cap as i loved the movie and will place him with the hopeful release of the redskull. I will most likely get the avengers cap as well and place him with the full avengers line up.
I LOVE the current film outfit - awesome design. A great mix of the classic colours & suit design, & the practical 'real life' soldier look. An instant classic as far as I'm concerned! :clap

The newer - more form fitting, comic book style-esque, new school, cutting edge Avengers suit is a good one as well.. but not a design I'd say I like more - at least not enough to buy a HT figure of it. I'm very glad that I've been able to budget for the current figure - can't wait to get him!! :yess:
Nope! I preordered this figure before I even saw the movie (it was ok, never read the comics) because this figure looks absolutely amazing! Now, if it looks different when it arrives, it may end up on Ebay, but from all the photos it is just too incredible to pass up.
Checked out the trailer and from what I can see I doubt that the new suit will be rubber. Looks like fabric to me. Looks like it could be kind of cool too.

I'm on planet Yankee now, no freakin' idea about choosing between the two! :hi5:

It could very well be done in that Black Widow material... Still, if I decide I want the second Cap and no longer want the FA Cap I can always move one and buy the other... Doing the opposite, however, might end up being really expensive. :(

This pic made me wonder what Cap will look like if his pants were 1/2 length (like soccer shorts) instead. :rotfl

but to answer the question i'm definitely going for the FA suit...just absolutely love the design. It's got a mixture of a retro and modern look combined together.
It could very well be done in that Black Widow material... Still, if I decide I want the second Cap and no longer want the FA Cap I can always move one and buy the other... Doing the opposite, however, might end up being really expensive. :(


And since odds are the FA Cap will have increased it's value by at least 50% when the new suit hits...easy decision :rock
I'm not going to pass up on it as I liked the design. However, owning it will make the Avengers version a bit of a tougher decision.
I absolutely loved Captain America, so Pre-ordering this was an easy choice, and it will too on ordering the Avengers Captain America, but; black widow will be an easy pass.
I saw some Avengers set photos today of Chris Evans in costume and i must say that suit just doesn't do it for me. As an Avengers figure i could maybe convince myself to buy it but as a stand alone Cap figure the WW2 uniform beats it hands down.
All Cap A. statues past or present will be skipped in lure of other characters I wish to add to my collection. This is one collector that you can count on to never spend money on anything Cap' related.

That you can take to the bank...:D
All Cap A. statues past or present will be skipped in lure of other characters I wish to add to my collection. This is one collector that you can count on to never spend money on anything Cap' related.

That you can take to the bank...:D

Wow, don't hear that very often. :peace