Blue Flame of the West/Mod
JustinLuck said:Thanks for the hi res version of the pic Tom! When was that pic taken? I'm shocked that Harrison Ford is in it. I thought he hated Star Wars, considering how he never wants to talk about it during interviews.
I believe that it was a Photoshop effort, with elements taken over the course of several different shoots and then composited together since they couldn't actually get every single person in the same place at once. (Jar-Jar was shooting a movie.) It was a special fold out cover to celebrate the release of Episode III. But yes, Harrison was in it and he almost looks like he's in a good mood. I doubt you will ever see Han, Luke and Leia together like that again. Oh, and Chewie. And Lando. And Shmi, sitting down there looking like Dooku's kept woman. Just check out the look on his face--no need to ask, he's a smooth operator. He's gonna give Billy Dee a run for his money as far as the ladies are concerned...