J jinxx Super Freak Joined Dec 7, 2008 Messages 5,886 Reaction score 0 Location Munnyworld Dec 25, 2009 #21 Kibishii said: I would buy a running Ewok to go with my Scout Trooper. Click to expand...
Jaycepticon Super Freak CF Supporter Joined Sep 23, 2008 Messages 12,920 Reaction score 2,138 Dec 26, 2009 #22 the only unannounced PF I'd be interested in would be
Patient Zero Super Freak Joined Jul 30, 2008 Messages 1,585 Reaction score 1 Location among the dead Dec 26, 2009 #23 I would also buy all of the ESB bounty hunters. But I would be sad when sideshow stops before the last few are done.
I would also buy all of the ESB bounty hunters. But I would be sad when sideshow stops before the last few are done.
Shai Cold Slither Joined Sep 11, 2005 Messages 19,445 Reaction score 261 Location Mtl Dec 26, 2009 #24 Hammerhead PF ..FTW
Patient Zero Super Freak Joined Jul 30, 2008 Messages 1,585 Reaction score 1 Location among the dead Dec 26, 2009 #25 Shai Hulud said: Hammerhead PF ..FTW Click to expand... I would buy that. I would also go for Amanaman PF. I always loved that design and color.
Shai Hulud said: Hammerhead PF ..FTW Click to expand... I would buy that. I would also go for Amanaman PF. I always loved that design and color.
SixMillionDollarMan Guy Super Freak Joined Oct 23, 2009 Messages 15,670 Reaction score 3 Location Minnesota Dec 26, 2009 #26 Shai Hulud said: Hammerhead PF ..FTW Click to expand... I want that beast in my collection.
Shropt Super Freak Joined Feb 6, 2007 Messages 12,779 Reaction score 68 Location Central Florida Dec 26, 2009 #27 •2-1B (Too-onebee) •4-LOM •A-3D0 •Achk Med-Beq •Adi Gallia •Admiral Ackbar •Admiral Daala •Admiral Motti •Admiral Kendal Ozzel •Admiral Firmus Piett •Ak-rev •Aks Moe •Aldar Beedo •Amanaman •Anakin Skywalker •Anchor Blue •Aurra Sing •Bail Organa •Barada •Beru Whitesun (AKA Beru Lars) •Bib Fortuna •Biggs Darklighter •Boba Fett •Boss Nass •Bossk •Brakiss •C-3PO •Callista •Captain Antilles •Captain Lorth Needa •Captain Panaka •Chewbacca •Cliegg Lars •Commander Cody •Count Dooku •Crix Madine •Daakman Barrek •Darth Malak •Darth Maul •Darth Revan •Darth Sidious •Darth Tyranus •Darth Vader •Dengar •Depa Billaba •Doda Bodonawieedo •Droids •Dud Bolt •Edcel Bar Gane •Ephant Mon •Foul Moudama •Garm Bel Iblis •General Veers •Grand Admiral Thrawn •Grand Moff Tarkin •Greedo •Han Solo •Hermi Odle •Hermione Bagwa •IG-88 •Imperial Stormtrooper •Jabba the Hutt •Jango Fett •Jar Jar Binks •Jek Porkins •Jem Ysanna •Jobal Naberrie •Jocasta Nu •Kyle Katarn •Kirtan Loor •Lando Calrissian •Lobot •Luke Skywalker •Lyn Me •Mace Windu •Mara Jade •Mas Amedda •Melas •Momaw Nadon •Mon Mothma •Muftak •Naga Sadow •Nien Nunb •Nilo •Nom Anor •Nute Gunray •Nym •Nyrat Agira •Obi-Wan Kenobi •Odumin •Oola •OOM-9 •Owen Lars •Padm� Amidala •Palpatine •Passel Argente •Plo Koon •Ponda Baba •Pooja Naberrie •Po Nudo •Princess Leia •Queen Jamillia •Qui-Gon Jinn •R2-D2 •Rep Been •Ruwee Naberrie •Ryoo Naberrie •Sagoro Autem •Salla Zend •Sebulba •Sena Leikvold Midanyl •Shmi Skywalker •Shug Ninx •Sio Bibble •Sly Moore •Snowtrooper •Sola Naberrie •Stass Allie •Stormtrooper •Ulic Qel Droma (Expanded Universe) •Voolvif Monn •Watto •Wedge Antilles •Wicket W. Warrick
•2-1B (Too-onebee) •4-LOM •A-3D0 •Achk Med-Beq •Adi Gallia •Admiral Ackbar •Admiral Daala •Admiral Motti •Admiral Kendal Ozzel •Admiral Firmus Piett •Ak-rev •Aks Moe •Aldar Beedo •Amanaman •Anakin Skywalker •Anchor Blue •Aurra Sing •Bail Organa •Barada •Beru Whitesun (AKA Beru Lars) •Bib Fortuna •Biggs Darklighter •Boba Fett •Boss Nass •Bossk •Brakiss •C-3PO •Callista •Captain Antilles •Captain Lorth Needa •Captain Panaka •Chewbacca •Cliegg Lars •Commander Cody •Count Dooku •Crix Madine •Daakman Barrek •Darth Malak •Darth Maul •Darth Revan •Darth Sidious •Darth Tyranus •Darth Vader •Dengar •Depa Billaba •Doda Bodonawieedo •Droids •Dud Bolt •Edcel Bar Gane •Ephant Mon •Foul Moudama •Garm Bel Iblis •General Veers •Grand Admiral Thrawn •Grand Moff Tarkin •Greedo •Han Solo •Hermi Odle •Hermione Bagwa •IG-88 •Imperial Stormtrooper •Jabba the Hutt •Jango Fett •Jar Jar Binks •Jek Porkins •Jem Ysanna •Jobal Naberrie •Jocasta Nu •Kyle Katarn •Kirtan Loor •Lando Calrissian •Lobot •Luke Skywalker •Lyn Me •Mace Windu •Mara Jade •Mas Amedda •Melas •Momaw Nadon •Mon Mothma •Muftak •Naga Sadow •Nien Nunb •Nilo •Nom Anor •Nute Gunray •Nym •Nyrat Agira •Obi-Wan Kenobi •Odumin •Oola •OOM-9 •Owen Lars •Padm� Amidala •Palpatine •Passel Argente •Plo Koon •Ponda Baba •Pooja Naberrie •Po Nudo •Princess Leia •Queen Jamillia •Qui-Gon Jinn •R2-D2 •Rep Been •Ruwee Naberrie •Ryoo Naberrie •Sagoro Autem •Salla Zend •Sebulba •Sena Leikvold Midanyl •Shmi Skywalker •Shug Ninx •Sio Bibble •Sly Moore •Snowtrooper •Sola Naberrie •Stass Allie •Stormtrooper •Ulic Qel Droma (Expanded Universe) •Voolvif Monn •Watto •Wedge Antilles •Wicket W. Warrick
Kibishii Super Freak Joined Dec 19, 2007 Messages 3,999 Reaction score 2 Location Southern California Dec 26, 2009 #28 Shropt, your list is invalid...you included Gungans.
Shropt Super Freak Joined Feb 6, 2007 Messages 12,779 Reaction score 68 Location Central Florida Dec 26, 2009 #29 Kibishii said: Shropt, your list is invalid...you included Gungans. Click to expand... It's not my want list, just the list of who's left to make.
Kibishii said: Shropt, your list is invalid...you included Gungans. Click to expand... It's not my want list, just the list of who's left to make.