You just don't respect him.
He deserves no less than two figures. Bespin and skiff guard. If the line goes far enough to reach Endor versions of Han, Luke and Leia, they should make a General version too.
And it's beside the point that Solo could have gone to several different old friends. He chose the old friend who he won the Milenium Falcon from. The Falcon was Lando's ship. Solo had reason to believe he could trust him, even if he wasn't completely sure. It's pure speculation to say that the same thing would have happened in any port that Solo chose to hole up.
What is not specualtion is that Bespin is the one he chose, that Lando was the person he chose to trust, that Lando was the one who betrayed him, then helped Leia and Chewbacca out of Bespin, risking his own life and sacrificing his business in the process, and then opting to join the alliance, playing an integral role in the rescue of their best pilot, and offering his formidable administrative skills to them, which apparently they valued significantly enough to make him a general.
Besides that, after solo, he was the best man to pilot the Falcon. And he did the job in spades. Whatever Nien Numb said, he was still just the co-pilot.