Why don't Hot Toys do 25th Anniversary Terminator figures?

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Johnny Utah

I wouldn't worry about him
CF Supporter
Jul 21, 2007
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They have connections with Arnold's likeness company now, the film is 25 years old this year,Terminator is a hot property,and they are apparently doing this DX line which might go back and redo older figures?

Yeah a DX T2 T800 would be really nice, and perhaps not seriously unlikely due to Johnny's point that they've managed to get it once, perhaps they could again. The only problem i see with this is that there is no camo paint available for this one :p
When NECA got Bruce Willis' likeness rights for their Hartigan figure,they also got it for Die Hard. Granted,the McClane figure blew,but HT has connections now, and I think they'd be blind and foolish not to do it.

Imagine a properly done 1984 T-800 and Kyle Reese.
The police station shootout version would own...I'm still drooling over this new MMS DX announcement...i hope it leads to older figures like Hicks getting the proper treatment.
Terminator (1984)





It would be nice for them to add on to the terminator line...I'd be curious to see what the values of the originals would go for if they did do new figures of the T-800 and Kyle Reese
They have connections with Arnold's likeness company now, the film is 25 years old this year,Terminator is a hot property,and they are apparently doing this DX line which might go back and redo older figures?

HT have Arnold's likness with Fox for Predator, not Terminator. HT are too busy giving us figs for Terminator Salvation anyway. Who said the DX line was re-doing old figs???
Awesome customs silentsurfer!

It would be nice for them to add on to the terminator line...I'd be curious to see what the values of the originals would go for if they did do new figures of the T-800 and Kyle Reese

I don't think they will redo the tech com Reese but they could always do an 84' version. Remaking the T-800 is a no brainer because it will of course be entirely different sculpt wise. As for value? It all depends (if they make them) how many accessories they come with.
If I weren't getting the pf I'd be all over these figures. But the ss ex pf and the ht connor and endo do me in for Terminator.
Badly badly badly needed line of figures. My god The Terminator has to, surely, get the proper 1/6th or 7'' treatment it has deserved for so long. Hot toys and NECA - Get on this!!
Oak Productions has Arnold's likeness. MGM has the Terminator rights now. Michael Biehn doesn't seem to be stingy with his likeness. It's possible.