Why I Hate Will Smith!

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People only hate because they are jealous. :lol

You like Twilight right?

Ok then!


dont think Wills kids are not the only ones getting free rides in hollywood. all the big actors kids are getting what ever role they want. the next generation of hollywood is going to be talentless. because of this. will also said his kid auditioned for the role and got it on his own, my ass.


I would be embarrassed as hell if that was my daughter in that video. Your children are a reflection of you and your parenting skills IMO.

They used wires and CGI to make Will Smith's kid look like he knew karate?? :lol

Yeah i recently saw the movie, sad remake.

(I used to kinda dig Willie in Fresh prince, but after that i just thought he was kinda a douche. But i think most Hollyweird's are so....)
dont really like Will, dont really care for his wife and his kids are already annoying.....
... but I wouldnt waste my time and energy starting a whiney thread about it.
Id redirect that energy to something positive ... like rubbing one out or something..... :monkey1
Felt this was worth sharing :).

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I hope we get more musical masterpieces from Will Smith's offspring.

I'm sure it was your musical sensibilities that she was making this offering to.

Haters, keep hating.

Hey, reality check... life is full of winners and losers, lions and lambs, the lucky and not-so-lucky.

Get over it!:wave

Yup. Shouldn't we have a thread here for all of the Disney/Nickelodeon child stars, who have been doing much more of the same of years?

First time ive ever heard someone hating Will Smith.He is,and always have been a great entertainer,and seems like a nice guy that likes to goof around.

Apparentl, nice guys lose immunity when their kids make money.

Yes, it's their fault :rock


The godfathers of obnoxious, repetitive beats. :lecture

You like Twilight right?

What's wrong with Twilight?

OSCORP said:
I would be embarrassed as hell if that was my daughter in that video. Your children are a reflection of you and your parenting skills IMO.

The only reflection that I see is that his kids are productive, and yours aren't. Yes, I clearly see the moral deficiency in his parenting. :lol
The entertainment industry has been kind to the Fresh Prince. I'm sure that if he regretted what he had done or his experiences getting there, he wouldn't steer his kids there. I guess you could argue that these kids got where they are without having to really earn it (I'm sure there are 1000s of more talented kids out there without movie-star parents), but none of us come into this world on an even playing field, and its just a matter of which factors balance things against you or in your favor. . .

On another note, I personally don't think small children (less than, say, 14-15 years old anyway) should be working period, in the entertainment business or elsewhere. They should be getting an education and doing any extracurriculars only for enjoyment or for social purposes. We don't live in pre-industrial society anymore where this was necessary, and kids should be allowed to be kids. But society disagrees. Sure, one hit song or movie and a kid may have a nice paycheck for the rest of his/her life, but I just don't think kids should work for money. And if anyone thinks the kids have a choice, I disagree. They get pushed into that stuff by their parents or agents one way or the other, and do stuff, at first, to please these people. I'm sure Smith's kids are no different.
I tried very hard to watch the video but had to hit stop after all that stupid repetitive whipping! :gah: This isn't my kind of music, but even if it was, I wouldn't be able to sit through it.

I don't have much of an opinion of Will either way. I don't find anything special about him and I don't hate him. I don't really like his films. But I liked I Am Legend.
What the hell does that have to do with my post? Have we had to much flouride and chem trail breaths?

I took it that a lot of people were hating on you for liking Twilight, so....

As for the word "hate", I lot of people use that word when they really mean that they dislike something about the person, etc. not that they actually hate the person himself. I don't think any of us know him enough to hate him personally.

It's like love. How many times have you said it and not mean it like it's meant.
I don't have any problem with stars using their influence to get roles for their kids, I'd do the same thing for mine. Those kids just need to be prepared for people to laugh at and dismiss them if they don't exhibit any talent or skill on their own after their parent gets them the job.
I don't have any problem with stars using their influence to get roles for their kids, I'd do the same thing for mine. Those kids just need to be prepared for people to laugh at and dismiss them if they don't exhibit any talent or skill on their own after their parent gets them the job.

Same as when a CEO or owner of a business brings his kids in and puts them in the upper levels without paying any dues.

:lol :rotfl

I have to blow-dry my keys now..
I don't have any problem with stars using their influence to get roles for their kids, I'd do the same thing for mine. Those kids just need to be prepared for people to laugh at and dismiss them if they don't exhibit any talent or skill on their own after their parent gets them the job.

I don't know, most mainstream garbage today lacks a load of talent/diversity/skill, no matter what age the supposed "artist" is. You don't get laughed at for making ____ty music these days, they call it good music. Maybe back in the 60's/70's you would get laughed at for liking good music and now, i wonder what all those old bible thumping/crew cut yelling"cut your hair hippie!" folks think of todays young generation, i mean what are you going to do 10-20 years down the road when you show your kids pictures of yourself dressed like a ____ing fool, pants down around your ass and shaved eyebrows, oversized clothing etc, that ____ is more laughable then skin tight jeans and long hair with less aggressive attitude to go with it.

I hate that typical sheeple excuse "Oh but, its soo catchy!!" usually said by typical sheltered white collar yuppie office folks.
I tend to doubt that this project has trumped her schooling. Whatever school she goes to, I'd bet that the deposit was substantial, and non-refundable. I also don't see Smith as the type of man to buy his kids a life, so to speak. On the same hand, I don't see him giving slack on education.