Why no love for Cyclops?

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Jim Lee style in PF form would be definitive

I'll probably be getting the Bowen Modern Cyclops sometime, but I would love a Cyclops Comiquette or a PF would be even better. I prefer the version with his hair exposed, I guess you can call it the modern version. Him and Wolverine have always been my 2 favorite male X-Men.

Not a huge fan f Bowen's modern cyclops.. something about the pose just isnt right. And the statue's too wee
I love Jim Lee's art but his costume for Cyke had way too many buckles, strapes and pouches. :monkey4

Looks like something Rob Liefield would have drawn.

Give me this


or this


That was my thinking for a PF as well. As much as I like the Jim Lee version, I prefer a something more "simplistic" like the look in Astonishing.
That was my thinking for a PF as well. As much as I like the Jim Lee version, I prefer a something more "simplistic" like the look in Astonishing.

John Cassaday's version from Astonishing would be excellent for a PF.

You could have the exclusive be a portrait without Cyclop's hood.
It would be nice but unrealistic if Sideshow would announce development for a character and then have a poll up on their site with different outfit choices and we could vote on the one we wanted and they would then make the winning poll result.
It would be nice but unrealistic if Sideshow would announce development for a character and then have a poll up on their site with different outfit choices and we could vote on the one we wanted and they would then make the winning poll result.

Honestly, I'd like to see them do that once in a blue moon......similar to what Bowen does to get input from the fans on his latest pieces.

Again, not for every piece, but it would be neat to see a "collector's choice" PF.
Yeah once a year or something would be nice but still you can't please everybody so maybe that's why they stay away from stuff like that...
Yeah once a year or something would be nice but still you can't please everybody so maybe that's why they stay away from stuff like that...

Yeah, it seems like no matter what they do, they can't please everyone. :(

It's sad (and funny) to think of but I can't help but imagine their reaction when they reveal a piece that they're really hyped up about and then they view forums like these to see all of the less than pleasant reviews. I can't imagine all of the time that goes into theses pieces "seeing the light of day." Then, when it finally is unveiled, it "flops."

And that's by no means a "jab" at Sideshow, just an observation. (Even though I don't agree with all of their Marvel releases, everyone has different tastes and I think that they try to accommodate that. So keep up the good work Sideshow! :rock)