Why no love for Hot Toys Tarkin?

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It hasn't even been a month since the movie released, I think we'll still see a couple more R1 figures come out.

A source at Disney told me they were holding off on anything Tarkin--including mentioning the character was in Rogue One--until the movie had some time in theaters. We should start seeing "how they did it" articles explaining the technology behind the character and then I'd expect some product related announcements.
So with Chinese new year approaching at the end of the month I'd say it would be safe to assume we won't get any more announcements until it's over. The suspense is killing me...announce Tarkin and his fluffy slippers exclusive!

Sent from the Death Star communication division.
If anything, i'm only expecting one or two more figures to go on PO. Thinking about it, i'm surprised HT didn't synchronize Baze PO with RO China opening last friday.
We do need a Tarkin figure. Talk about a bare-bones figure that would sell well. Many customizers would buy extras just for the uniform/outfit.

They could throw in his chair from the Death Star conference room as well.
We do need a Tarkin figure. Talk about a bare-bones figure that would sell well. Many customizers would buy extras just for the uniform/outfit.

They could throw in his chair from the Death Star conference room as well.

Yeah, I'd be fine with no accessories at all for Tarkin, which isn't something I usually say. A chair would be nice, but I'd buy it without that.
I just want that Cushing sculpt. Pure classic British acting legend. Same reason I want threezero to make Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister.
I'd take a plain Tarkin any day, but I wouldn't say no to a base that included a voice chip.

"You may fire when ready"
"The Jedi are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion"
He towers over Han. But its fun to see what the line-up could look like if they had Tarkin.

Gonna have to see about starting a Custom Project for Tarkin...