Well if you come up with some facts other than this fanboy crap. bye![]()
You're obviously blinded by your own bull. I intend to leave things that way.
Well if you come up with some facts other than this fanboy crap. bye![]()
Can't stay away huh? Too bad. Come up with some facts...things we have seen with them face to face....other than your delusional opinion. Bardoon brought up some good points from things we have seen. What do you have to offer?You're obviously blinded by your own bull. I intend to leave things that way.
All of the arguing, this or that, blah blah blah.
All of the comics, novels, movies, and even the FAN FILMS for Christsake show Predators kicking bug ass.
Slice it however you want, a few Predators might die, but loads more Aliens have been killed. That's how it is.
Case closed.
BTW, I like how 'fanboy' is being thrown around like an insult. You all wouldn't be here arguing, collecting this crap, and all of the other BS that goes along with it if YOU weren't fanboy's too. I get it though, Aliens aren't being portrayed 'right', and that sucks.
Soooo come on over, jump onto the Predator 'fanboy' side, and see what it's like with the extended universe, and movies on your side.
EDIT: gofourindian, you tell those bastards! WOOOOO!
Can't stay away huh? Too bad. Come up with some facts...things we have seen with them face to face....other than your delusional opinion. Bardoon brought up some good points from things we have seen. What do you have to offer?
Listen..the Facts are Predators use Alien Queens and their offspring for training. They capture Queens...they seed planets with eggs and track down Aliens and kill them...that's just the way it is. Do the Preds win all the time? Of course not. But some of the statements made like "Aliens are much stronger than Predators" and "Aliens are basically unstoppable" are just nonsense and not fact.
First off, I have been here longer than you have, so there is no reason why I should conform to you.
Second, you keep posting in reply to what I've said... it's called communication (say it with me), so it's natural for me to answer your post if I feel like it.
If you bother to READ... that's R E A D... my first posts, you and any literate person would understand what I was saying.
The ALIEN is and always shall remain a tougher creature. Period. (watch the movies)
The ONLY thing that PREDATORS and HUMANS have to their advantage is their intelligence. Thus, being able subdue an alien with the help of technology, and not otherwise. Can you imagine an unarmed Predator winning a fight against an Alien?
Obviously you can't put two and two together....."come up with some facts".... Give me a break, go watch the movies first.
In addition, AdamBombOi, do I really have to tell you what's canon and what's not?
The movies are all that really matter. I know both of us are biased in our own ways, but don't go relying on comics to back up your opinions. I could've also stated that ALIENS took over the earth in the comics, but that wouldn't count in your eyes now would it?
Sure Wolf killed many aliens, but he failed at his task. Humans intervened, thus preventing the aliens from taking over. Furthermore, Lex intervened and prevented the Queen from owning Scar's butt. (and that still didn't work out too well for Scar now did it?)
Damn, I can't believe it came to this!? All I said is that ALIENS are tougher and Predators are smarter.(which is fact) If Predators where really 100% superior to aliens, then why would they even bother hunting unarmed prey?![]()
So you have been here longer...what does that mean? Really? You know more?...No. I guess it means you can be condescending. Also who are you to say what's canon and what's not? Maybe because the books back me up? could that be it?
I'm curious as to why you say Aliens are tougher creatures? Unarmed predators win against Xenomorphs all the time. So there's no proof that substantiate your statement. I understand what your saying.... but it's just your opinion because you like Aliens more than Preds....and that's fine. You're fighting a loosing argument here. And the comic stories were here long before AVP ever was. Kinda like your statement "I've been here longer than you". So if anything is canon it's them....plus they're better stories.
I've seen all the movies smart guy...all 2 of 'em.that has both creatures. And argue as I'm sure you will with opinion again. One Pred on one Alien...is a mismatch. Weapons or no weapons. Maybe you should crack open a book a R E A D. Bro.
EDIT: One other point Bro...Aliens are not unarmed. With razor sharp claws, spear tipped tail and projecting inner jaw they are anything but unarmed. But does that make them tougher?...Nope.
LOL. You just contradicted yourself.
"Unarmed predators win against Xenomorphs all the time. So there's no proof that substantiate your statement"? When? Where? I've never seen that in any movie before? Where's YOUR proof?
"So you have been here longer...what does that mean? Really? You know more?...No. I guess it means you can be condescending".
Nope, again... all I said was that I can post how I see fit in reply to your "Can't stay away huh? Too bad" remark.
"Also who are you to say what's canon and what's not? Maybe because the books back me up? could that be it?"
Again...wrong. What if I was to use my PS2 game or Kenner toys as reference for my opinions? See... I bet you'd think that those didn't count.
Stick to the movies please. The ALIEN 1 and Predator 1 movies are what started the whole creature concepts. (because they came first right?)
"You're fighting a loosing argument here".
Why?Who says so? Is it because I'm outnumbered? Does that make me wrong?
"One Pred on one Alien...is a mismatch. Weapons or no weapons".
For once we agree! It's a mismatch in favor to the ALIEN!
No Plasma-caster = dead Predator.
See Chopper, Celtic, Scar & Wolf.
Oh, and lets turn a blind eye to the Predators aboard the scout ship in AVP-R.
Come on..... You're an intelligent man. I know you know what I meant.
That would be the day when I see an Alien use a sniper rifle on a Predator. lol
I think you enjoy my replies.
This discussion, or argument (whichever you prefer to call it) can last forever. Atm... I'd like to sleep.
All I can say is that you'd be cool to have come over for an Alien and Predator movie marathon.
Umm... I guess that's it really.
PS... Aliens Rule!![]()