Will Sales Tax Impact Your Collecting?

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Feb 17, 2009
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I am sure at least some of you are following the progress of the law requiring internet businesses to collect sales tax for all states, not just the ones they have a presence in. Personally, I have no doubt the IS going to happen. Would this effective price increase impact what and/or how much you collect? Would you just pay the higher cost, or would you be more selective with purchases and product lines? It seems Sideshow (and others) may need to lower their pricing on items because the (majority) of the collecting market would not make the same purchases at 5-9% higher prices.

I am part of the minority that is in the same state as sideshow, gentle giant and others, including many dealers, and have been paying sales tax for almost everything all along; the extra $10 to $30 per item does sting a little.

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong location, seemed the best place to ask.
It seems Sideshow (and others) may need to lower their pricing on items because the (majority) of the collecting market would not make the same purchases at 5-9% higher prices.

Prices have escalated dramatically in the last 3-4 years.
The OCD collectors that make up most of this market aren't going to even blink at a 5% rise.
Yes I will buy some of the ex off eBay instead of SS. :D most can be had at the time of release for about the exact same as SS.
I'm already slowing down as is. If this happens, it'll probably just push me further in that direction.
The escalating prices alone have forced me to scale back on collecting but internet sales tax will be the tipping point and push it over the edge. I won't be doing as much internet purchasing as before. Shipping on top of sales tax is too much burden to bare. The Government already gets enough of our hard earned dollars. We need another Boston Tea Party for the internet. The consumer is losing ground and the already suffering economy is about to get much much worse.
Sales tax is charged at some Internet retailers already. I believe BN.com and Buy.com charge tax. I always thought the no tax was a huge joke. That along with free shipping damaged / ended a lot of local businesses. I'm very picky about what I buy so it shouldn't effect me that much. If it's too much I'll wait for a discount on certain items. I already do that anyway with many items I get.
Sales tax is charged at some Internet retailers already. I believe BN.com and Buy.com charge tax. I always thought the no tax was a huge joke.

That's because those businesses have local stores in your state.

As for the tax bill, I think it still faces a big uphill battle to get through the House.
Of coarse they will. How else can they fix the Federal deficit?
With backing from everyone, including internet selling giant Amazon, it will 100% happen. It won't change the way I collect, but it will change the way I shop for everything else besides groceries. Amazon gets probably 90% of my general shopping money, lower prices than local stores, no tax + free shipping, what more can you ask for. I haven't bought a BD in years from a store, Amazon gets 100% of my BD orders. Plus I do ALL my X-mas/birthday/holiday shopping on Amazon. Once Amazon starts charging tax, I'll just go get locally if its slightly cheaper. I guess it will all depend on the tax amount.
For the past several years most of my movies, video games, and...well about anything I'm looking to buy, I get from Amazon if they carry it. Prices are cheaper, no tax, and free 2 day shipping is a no brainer . I used to go to Bestbuy but I bet I don't spend $100 a year with them anymore.

I'm not sure what the politicians don't get. We the averages Joes will spend more if we have the disposable income which in turn helps the economy. When they start chipping away at that with all these taxes the random fun purchases slow down or stop.
With backing from everyone, including internet selling giant Amazon, it will 100% happen. It won't change the way I collect, but it will change the way I shop for everything else besides groceries. Amazon gets probably 90% of my general shopping money, lower prices than local stores, no tax + free shipping, what more can you ask for. I haven't bought a BD in years from a store, Amazon gets 100% of my BD orders. Plus I do ALL my X-mas/birthday/holiday shopping on Amazon. Once Amazon starts charging tax, I'll just go get locally if its slightly cheaper. I guess it will all depend on the tax amount.

California has been charged sales tax through Amazon since late last year. I am like you KD as I buy everything non grocery through Amazon for the convenience and the points you made. That being said, although I still get charged the sales tax, I have still found that items are much cheaper on Amazon. Plus I don't think I can break the habit I have of doing all my shopping on their site. It's so much easier than actually going out and driving store to store.
I'm in the same boat as Boba Ben. Only difference is that I've been more into customs than official products recently so the tax issue won't matter so much from that perspective. The general, obscene inflation of custom works (outfits for $350, figures for $800, etc.) is actually going to be more problematic. Everyone thinks they are Rainman nowadays, except they ain't. I can see myself being done with the whole collecting scene within the next couple of years.

Taxes are a necessary part of life in the modern world. It's really only fair that we pay taxes for online purchases if we're required to pay at brick and mortar stores. People will ***** for awhile, but we'll get accustomed to it and it will become an accepted part of life. I'm curious how it will affect eBay policy, though eBay sellers are supposed to pay taxes on everything they sell anyway.
No. It's only a handful of dollars more than I'm spending already. Won't make a difference to me.
I don't know.

As a Canadian buying from a US store, I don't think I'd have to pay, so... no?

It has affected me buying from Canadian stores, though. So in a way, yes. :)
Well, I already don't buy from Sideshow because tax makes it too expensive. . . but that's because I have an alternative, to pay without tax. So, if that alternative goes away, will I buy from Sideshow or stop buying altogether??

I don't think this will impact the hobby that greatly, as the law only affects stores that make $1 million in yearly sales, and maybe BBTS makes $1 million a year, but smaller stores, like Urban Samurai, Vantage and TimeWalker, I really doubt it. I'm sure there will be some stores that still won't charge sales tax, because they don't make over $1 million.