Title pretty much says it all. I would love for them to do a few if not many characters from the series. I know they would sale well. Heck I would probably by two of each character. A dream come true it would be.
Dude that is what made me think of them doing MGS. If they are going to do Duke Nukem which I don't care about and I am sure many people would agree. Why don't they do something that is actually popular like MGS. In general I would love for them to do more stuff form game series. But I would love MGS!!
Really still waiting for this. Especially with the new game announcement and now a movie! Man Sideshow you guys and gals need to get on this. I would buy every single PF chracter version you make.
You guys are getting me pumped up for this!!! I really hope it get's done! They need to go after the license and do it. I am sure they will see how well the HT versions do first before they make the commitment. I really do not care for the HT product more of a statue man myself. So this is why I am hoping SSC gets on board.