Something to keep in mind. . . the Chinese do not respect foreigners. . . or at the very least, the Chinese factory owners will NOT give foreign manufacturers the same quality they give their fellow Chinese manufacturers.
At my current job, part of our product line is display packaging and our buyer deals with China frequently, I've talked with him about it. He backs up what I've long suspected, that the factories are actively trying to screw you over. You ask the factory to send you a sample, and it's great, then you pay them thousands for the production and the product falls apart when you get it. I've read in other entrepreneur forums, and how to deal with China, and it's expected to haggle back and forth, and just walk away and make the factory chase after you to make the deal. Too many small US companies are begging to get their stuff made in China, and the factories are taking advantage. Budget Stark said it in one of his videos, the Chinese are racist. They just won't give foreigners the same quality.
I hate to see the prices Sideshow is charging now, and I won't pay it, I would if there were more accessories or if I felt there was some value there, but I understand what they go through as far as manufacturing goes. My experience tells me that even if Sideshow went to DID's factory or Hot Toys' factory, the resulting product wouldn't be of equivalent quality. I will anxiously await Rook's photos of Hoth Han, but I'll be amazed if Sideshow can match a Chinese manufacturer's quality. It will certainly be a first.