Well I picked it up tonight and wasn't very optimistic based on the condition of the box and even less so when I opened it and saw the sponge corners on one side were lifted off so the inner box was resting against the outer box. Then when removing the art box I saw that the the top lid/flap was not seated properly and bent like the styrofoam woudn't fit so it was forced in. But it's a festivus miracle, nothing was damaged.
But that's where the good news ends...
First Impression:
- after seeing pics and now seeing it in person, I can confirm I don't like the skin tone. I prefer the grey/blue of the original SSW or the LS Bust over the tan of this maquette.
- the overall figure just doesn't seem to be sharp and crisp (for lack of a better description). Everything seems to be more rounded off and smooth. I think I'll attribute this to the molding process.
- I can't tell you how much I despise that the morgul blade is sculpted into the sheath so that he's actually got two of them when the exclusive hand is used. Even though you can't really see it from the angle it's displayed, I know it's there and it bothers the hell out of me. To me it would have been better just to have the sheath sculpted without the blade which works with both the exclusive and regular.
- I don't think the witchking was bald. There is no hair on the top of his head in the crown.
- the gap between the head and body is just a bit too much. I would have hoped it would fit a little more flush.
Overall, I'm not a big fan of this statue. The feeling I have is that more emphasis was put on making a dynamic statue with flowing robes to match the Ringwraith rather than just a good old fashioned Witch-king. Given the option of this statue over the original SSW, I wouldn't think twice about going with the original even though I didn't think that one was fantastic.