My muse is a fickle b**ch
There. Do i sound ranty-Weta-obsessed enough?![]()
No, carry on.

Hey, i'm not the only one who makes the Weta - middle-earth link! And i don't think it's a bad thing - it's not necessarily the source material, but the sculptors themselves who may have done a design maquette themselves for a creature for the actual movie then that same sculptor doing the collectible of that creature for us to own, and i think that's proven by the fact you'd be very hard pressed to think of a bad CREATURE sculpt from the SSW line. You may not *like* the sculpt, as in the newborn uruk-hai isn't everyones cup of tea, but you can't really deny it's a good sculpt in itself.
I think I was one of the few that actually thought the Newborn Uruk-hai was great. It got a lot of false praise because of the low edition size but there were a lot of people who didn't like it.
Only two pieces I didn't really like from SSW was the Haradrim Soldier and Pippin. Very poor choice of pose for both in my opinion. But the sculpts themselves were both done well.
But I digress, and back on topic. Chances are when the Twilight Witch-king arrives, I'll probably end up selling both the Ringwraith and the Twilight version. I'm just going to stick with and concentrate on PF's but I'll wait to see them both side by side.