Craig Walker
Super Freak
Thanks. What kind of fee?
Evans line was madness and I was the 6th person in line. I wasn't done getting my stuff signed and they shoved someone's shield over my stuff.
Did you get any time to exchange a few words with him?
When I was about to lay down my 3rd item they slid someone's full size shield over my item. I told them to stop I'm not finished yet and the guy rolled his eyes. You could tell Chris was annoyed by this
I think the agents, and their people, are the issue with some of these complaints. Sorry to hear of your treatment there.
We talked with Chris probably a :45 - minute. Considering the line behind us, it felt 'right'. Any longer and we were being inappropriate.
^ Again, volume of people. If you have 1 hour to process 1,000 people and 1 hour to process 4,000 people, things will be *very* different.
Chicago is the 3rd largest population in the US at almost 3,000,000. New Orleans has less than 350,000.