Statue Wolf Predator Legendary Scale Bust

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I love the LSB's, I often champion this line. But it would be hard to stomach a price jump over the others that have come before, even for one that looks this cool.

agree, lines should be kept at similar pricing adding small amount for inflation etc, hiking the price because they know it's a popular subject is out of order and will drive a lot of collectors away from the line rather then get new collectors to the line
I mentioned this earlier but accuracy doesn't seem to matter much at this scale to people around here

1:1 may be more accurate but as a display piece it looks lifeless. I'll take roaring about to attack over head on a stick every time.

It's not the scale (at least for me and probably a lot of folks) it's because it looks so COOL. A great sculpt that is visually appealing, with no glaring weaknesses.

The Cinemaquette is not meant to be screen accurate, but we like it because it looks awesome.

The issues with other sculpts not being screen accurate (P2 maquette - multiple issues / new P1 maquette - the bio size, body heft & thigh armour) are in no small part because they are SUPPOSED to be screen accurate BUT - MORE IMPORTANTLY - what was delivered included stupid mistakes that just look poor/naff instead of cool.

oh no!!!!!!! free shipping has reared it's head again:lol

You're right !!!!


Ship has been captured - we want all shipping to be free!

(* I might have misunderstood this *)​

It's not the scale (at least for me and probably a lot of folks) it's because it looks so COOL. A great sculpt that is visually appealing, with no glaring weaknesses.

The Cinemaquette is not meant to be screen accurate, but we like it because it looks awesome.

The issues with other sculpts not being screen accurate (P2 maquette - multiple issues / new P1 maquette - the bio size, body heft & thigh armour) are in no small part because they are SUPPOSED to be screen accurate BUT - MORE IMPORTANTLY - what was delivered included stupid mistakes that just look poor/naff instead of cool.


Well said :goodpost: It's not 100% movie accurate but it just looks so damn lifelike and awesome that I don't think many will care. Can't wait to preorder, probly gonna flex since it's like a year away from release.
It's not the scale (at least for me and probably a lot of folks) it's because it looks so COOL. A great sculpt that is visually appealing, with no glaring weaknesses.

The Cinemaquette is not meant to be screen accurate, but we like it because it looks awesome.

The issues with other sculpts not being screen accurate (P2 maquette - multiple issues / new P1 maquette - the bio size, body heft & thigh armour) are in no small part because they are SUPPOSED to be screen accurate BUT - MORE IMPORTANTLY - what was delivered included stupid mistakes that just look poor/naff instead of cool.


Great post, it helps me to see things a little differently now.
With the movie being pretty much horrible, I believe a lot of us really don't care about accuracy (I know I don't, I would get this even if it was just a concept/non canon design), just that it looks so cool, detailed and lifelike.
Ermmmm - WTF.

LMAO - they got the 5 and the 6 the wrong way round :rotfl

Maybe they think because the CoolProps P2 1:1 is 1.2k, this being 1:2 scale means 1/2 the price of THAT is fair :slap

Even when this doesn't sell out and they offer 20% discount (history - lols) - this would STILL be $520 - which is STILL WAY over where we thought it would be.

$650 is a 63% price increase.


Unless my maths is off, this is a 40% jump in price over the recent Masked P1....

Madness... (and not the awesome band!)
Do you guys always just double post here and over there? :lol Insane price point! I wasn't expecting that ...

I wonder how many day 1 POs there will be now ... :rotfl

If they offer Sideshow rewards and free shipping it'll make my decision easier. As it is they've just made my decision more difficult at $650. :thud: