Wolverine Origins Wade Wilson

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Super Freak
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
I thought I would share my progress for a custom Im trying to finish for a customer. Waiting for Headplay's head.

Shirt- built by me
Pants- ACI modified
Boots- HT painted black
and other various parts.
Swords are just stand ins till I make the real ones.



Looking great. What head are you going to use? If you can make th T-1000 look like Reynolds again I will really be impressed!
That's looking pretty good. Its a shame your not keeping the swords as they look really nice.

Im waiting for the headplay head also. I want to get the whole figure done so all I have to do is modify the head and then ship. The swords look OK, but they are too big and not the right design. The real ones will be made out of stainless and look like the ones from the movie.
Waiting for Headplay's head. :wave

I find it best to wait and see how the sculpt turns out in production first :lol Some of their sculpts have looked great in raw sculpt form, but the final product can be too small, horrible paint (not an issue for Seb or Robbie though), or just look off. I do hope this turns out well for you guys! My only problem with making this version of Wade would be that I would need everyone else on the team in those outfits. So I guess I'll just stick to Robbie's Weapon XI :lol
I couldn't find swords to buy that matched the ones he has in the film so I have begun making them. Here are some process shots.

