Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Eh, the majority of 4chan is just ****posting, that's true. But even if 4chan is ****posting, there are folks out there who believe all that. You don't weep for the robots, but for the ones that believe it, and are out there.
You'll start noticing the new ones, they're easy to spot, they usually try way too hard to hide the fact that they're new, or fall for the ****posting.

Reddit is just... Reddit. It's mostly filled with Fedora-Tipping, Nye-Quoting Neckbeards. It's cringy, but eh, this is the majority of the internet nowadays.
Yeah, it's the same, Reddit is more like a regular board you can visit and follow up on long-winded thread, that's nice sometimes.

I usually go to 4chan first since there's where most news and rumors break, that's pretty much the only reason.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

You'll start noticing the new ones, they're easy to spot, they usually try way too hard to hide the fact that they're new, or fall for the ****posting.

Yeah, the ones that always jump with "goh kill yersel" in every thread are especially annoying.

Yeah, it's the same, Reddit is more like a regular board you can visit and follow up on long-winded thread, that's nice sometimes.

I usually go to 4chan first since there's where most news and rumors break, that's pretty much the only reason.

I rarely visit Reddit these days. Maybe r/europe. I used to follow r/physics, but PhysicsForums is a brilliant site for anything science related (news, questions etc). I'm getting my laughs from INTJForums. If you think Reddit has Neckbeards, boy oh boy, you haven't seen those guys.

I've found 4chan more fun, and the comic discussions go more in depth. Reddit's Marvel board is a bunch of asskissers who lick the ground America "Holy Menstruation" Chavez walks on. 4chan has nice threads and a pretty good atmosphere. The constant waifu threads are annoying, but eh. I was surprised to see that /co/'s best girls were Wanda and Raven. The Elektra thread also reached the limit. Compare that with other boards (say, C(uck)BR) and there's a very big divide in taste.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I rarely visit Reddit these days. Maybe r/europe. I used to follow r/physics, but PhysicsForums is a brilliant site for anything science related (news, questions etc)
Nice, I'll go there sometime, to get educated, do they go into formulas and such? Or it's all conceptual? I've been wanting to solve some physics problems lately I don't know why, like ****! Am I such an boring old soul that I suddenly find the prospect of doing math fun?

I've found 4chan more fun, and the comic discussions go more in depth. Reddit's Marvel board is a bunch of asskissers who lick the ground America "Holy Menstruation" Chavez walks on. 4chan has nice threads and a pretty good atmosphere. The constant waifu threads are annoying, but eh. I was surprised to see that /co/'s best girls were Wanda and Raven. The Elektra thread also reached the limit. Compare that with other boards (say, C(uck)BR) and there's a very big divide in taste.
/co/ has surprisingly good taste, at the very least very diverse.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Nice, I'll go there sometime, to get educated, do they go into formulas and such? Or it's all conceptual? I've been wanting to solve some physics problems lately I don't know why, like ****! Am I such an boring old soul that I suddenly find the prospect of doing math fun?

I mostly use it for help with Physics problems. There's a whole subcategory that deals with "homework help", and it's set up in parts. Engineering/Computer Science, Physics, Math, Chemisty & Biology, etc, etc. Then are are subcategories about each branch of science, and all of which have their own branches where you can post threads and whatnot.

And no, it's nost just air-talk. They have equations, formulas, you need to cite resources, all that jazz. They have a built-in "keyboard" for all the major symbols (sum, intergals, derivatives, etc, etc). It's a bit of a hassle to get the hang of it at first, but it's a nice place, and it's got everything you need as far as scienc-y stuff go.

If you want something more conceptual, INTJForums, besides the Ultra-Neckbeards, has some good threads from time to time.

/co/ has surprisingly good taste, at the very least very diverse.

Yup. Not to mention it's just more fun. ComicVine has died down, CBR is full of MarvelShills, so it's the last place to still be fairly objective.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I mostly use it for help with Physics problems. There's a whole subcategory that deals with "homework help", and it's set up in parts. Engineering/Computer Science, Physics, Math, Chemisty & Biology, etc, etc. Then are are subcategories about each branch of science, and all of which have their own branches where you can post threads and whatnot.

And no, it's nost just air-talk. They have equations, formulas, you need to cite resources, all that jazz. They have a built-in "keyboard" for all the major symbols (sum, intergals, derivatives, etc, etc). It's a bit of a hassle to get the hang of it at first, but it's a nice place, and it's got everything you need as far as scienc-y stuff go.
Oh nice, that place sounds pretty cool.

If you want something more conceptual, INTJForums, besides the Ultra-Neckbeards, has some good threads from time to time.
Do you mean ultra-neckbears as in, Nye fans?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Oh nice, that place sounds pretty cool.

It really is. I haven't had much hands-on experience with it past the academic help thus far, but it's certainly got a lot of variety.

Do you mean ultra-neckbears as in, Nye fans?

Nah, I'd put Nye-Fans as Mid/Low-Tier Neckbeards. They hang around basic meme sites like 9gag, mostly. Nah, I'm talking about stuff like this:

I used to feel for the weak and the downtrodden, but life has burned that out of me. Now I say this to the toxic weak:

Don't look for pity from me. I'm all out.

Don't play the victim card. I've got a trump that can beat it: contempt.

Don't try to grab the moral high ground. You just look silly up there.

Your angry derp does not impress me.

I may hand out respect, but only to those who earn it. If you have self respect, then try to earn respect from me. If you haven't, then just get out of my face.

You want me to care about the world's problems? Show me a willingness to work toward practical solutions. No consciousness raising ********. That's for useless morons. And no naked money grabs. I'm not a sucker. Activists don't solve problems. Virtue signalers don't solve problems. English majors don't solve problems. Philosophy majors sure as **** don't solve problems. Engineers solve problems. If you don't understand this, then shut up and go make me a latte, you neckbearded twit.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

For some reason, I feel like this thread will be more entertaining than the film itself. :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

You'll start noticing the new ones, they're easy to spot, they usually try way too hard to hide the fact that they're new, or fall for the ****posting.

Yeah, it's the same, Reddit is more like a regular board you can visit and follow up on long-winded thread, that's nice sometimes.

I usually go to 4chan first since there's where most news and rumors break, that's pretty much the only reason.

Yeah, the ones that always jump with "goh kill yersel" in every thread are especially annoying.

I rarely visit Reddit these days. Maybe r/europe. I used to follow r/physics, but PhysicsForums is a brilliant site for anything science related (news, questions etc). I'm getting my laughs from INTJForums. If you think Reddit has Neckbeards, boy oh boy, you haven't seen those guys.

I've found 4chan more fun, and the comic discussions go more in depth. Reddit's Marvel board is a bunch of asskissers who lick the ground America "Holy Menstruation" Chavez walks on. 4chan has nice threads and a pretty good atmosphere. The constant waifu threads are annoying, but eh. I was surprised to see that /co/'s best girls were Wanda and Raven. The Elektra thread also reached the limit. Compare that with other boards (say, C(uck)BR) and there's a very big divide in taste.

reddit is not as bad as people think it is just like 5chun is not as bad as people think it is. reddit has their little gems in all the garbage. for all the hate 2+2chon gets, people dont know that they have their own little lgbt sjw board in there (lit is full sjw as well). the real enemy is and has always been tumblr and 9gag lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Nah, I'd put Nye-Fans as Mid/Low-Tier Neckbeards. They hang around basic meme sites like 9gag, mostly. Nah, I'm talking about stuff like this....[/I]

:lol:lol:lol I can see some, *some, validity in his post, but he sounds like a young edgy lad, and funny enough, sounds like a neckbeard himself.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

For some reason, I feel like this thread will be more entertaining than the film itself. :lol

That's probably true, all things considered.

reddit is not as bad as people think it is just like 5chun is not as bad as people think it is. reddit has their little gems in all the garbage. for all the hate 2+2chon gets, people dont know that they have their own little lgbt sjw board in there (lit is full sjw as well). the real enemy is and has always been tumblr and 9gag lol

Reddit's not "bad", it's just... mundane. Not bad enough to laugh at it, not "intelligent" enough learn something from. It just... is.

:lol:lol:lol I can see some, *some, validity in his post, but he sounds like a young edgy lad, and funny enough, sounds like a neckbeard himself.

Eh, whenever I see rants with swear words and "intellectual" terms bundled together, I always write it off as edgy ********. Or at least 99% of the time.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Eh, whenever I see rants with swear words and "intellectual" terms bundled together, I always write it off as edgy ********. Or at least 99% of the time.
I saw some of the replies there, some are kinda funny.

"You want a hug, or what?" :lol

"lol I like your sense of humor, like Carlinbro" :lol you didn't lie when you said it was Reddit tier.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Do you know any good comic book and movie forums, besides CV and CBR?

CBR was good back in the day, and had nice threads. ComicVine has the best Battle Board, and General Discussion is pretty fun. There are smaller ones, like a Valiant-exclusive one, but I'd say just go to /co/ (4chan's comic board). It has no language filter, constant waifu threads, daily storytimes, and all that jazz.

I saw some of the replies there, some are kinda funny.

"You want a hug, or what?" :lol

"lol I like your sense of humor, like Carlinbro" :lol you didn't lie when you said it was Reddit tier.

Oh, it gets worse. Hang around the Religion and Ethics boards for a while.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

reddit has some nice smaller boards like bicycle riding or dumpster diving, specific movie or tv show boards, little boards like that are good.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

What I hate about reddit is how terrible and outdated the navigation is. Has that site even been updated since 2006?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I take it you're a front-end dev? :lol

LOL, I'm no front-end dev - but you can tell that reddit either hasn't upgraded their navigation since the stone age or they just don't care anymore - or at least that's what it looks like to me. :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

No thank you :lol

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

LOL, I'm no front-end dev - but you can tell that reddit either hasn't upgraded their navigation since the stone age or they just don't care anymore - or at least that's what it looks like to me. :lol

Yeah it's true, it's just all the front-end devs I know can't go into any website without being tormented by the interface :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

What I hate about reddit is how terrible and outdated the navigation is. Has that site even been updated since 2006?

I don't go to reddit, but from what I've seen it does look primitive.

This forum used to look better too, but they made some changes, and now the pages are all white, which bothers my pug eyes.