Broke and happy
Yeah if a superhero movie on its 3rd weekend beat out a new kids movie that would make big hollywood news.
Ok everyone put on their surprised face.
Geoff Johns on WW impact on DCEU:
Says Johns:
“Get to the essence of the character and make the movies fun. Just make sure that the characters are the characters with heart, humor, hope, heroics, and optimism at the base.”
In Man of Steel, we're introducing our new Superman. We need to get to the root of who Superman is as character by showing him snapping someone's neck. Also, just go for absolute carnage in every fight scene. We want a realistic portrayal of how super beings will fight, but take out all the "Superman saves people" ********. Total carnage--maximum fatalities and don't go easy on the slo-mo.
You're the man,
WB Studio Executives
P.S. Notes for Batman v Superman:
We're going to need you to really get Cavill to express how, deep down, Superman is a moody little *****.
We need you to work in a urine joke somewhere. You'll figure it out.
Turns out that people don't like maximum carnage so remind the audience 10 or 12 times that the fight in the finale is taking place with zero casualties.
Can we get one of those cave trolls from Lord of the Rings, but make it look like someone took a giant **** on it?
If Batman isn't a rage machine who kills criminals without blinking in BvS then you're not touching Justice League.
Khev wins!