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Super Freak
Jul 29, 2007
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Just got back from Wonderfest '09! And what a blast it was!

As some of you know, the theme this year was "ALIEN". This was the 20th anniversary of WF and the 30th anniversary of "ALIEN".

Ya just can't go wrong with that!

Got to meet my good friend Al (our own Hive Mod) while there.
Yo Al, glad to FINALLY meet ya dude!

I managed to pick up Narin's "BUG KILLER" and "ALIEN 4" kits from Nightmare Collectibles.

Look for my pic with Veronica Cartwright, who played Lambert in ALIEN.
I had read that she would be giving a talk, but sadly it didn't happen.

Tom Woodruff Jr. was there as well. And, as much as I don't like him in the Alien suits in the movies, he was VERY funny and approachable in person.

Also, look for Mark D.'s new HUGE Alien kit from Nightmare Collectibles. It's the huge one behind the 1:1 full Alien.
I'll be posting more info on this elswhere, including ordering info. Yep, that's right, it can be yours!
And let me tell ya, the price is amazing for a piece this size.

Look for pics of Mark's new WOLF PREDATOR kit. He had the display painted by Joe Dunaway and it looks killer!

Look for a sneek peek of Hollywood Collectibles Group's upcoming 1:1 ALIEN bust! LOVE IT AND IT WILL BE MINE!

Also, there are pics of PSI Kits new Predator vs. T-Rex kit (also painted by Joe D.)
This thing was just too damn cool.
This beauty was snatched up QUICK. So, if your interested, be sure and get in touch with Jerry at PSI Kits for ordering info.

Lot's of pics of the model contest and dealer tables as well.
A TON of killer pieces in the contest this year. I almost didn't have enough room on my camera for everything!

Check out all of my pics from the weekend.


https://s49.photobucket.com/albums/f291/sabres21768/Wonderfest 2009/
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What? There are SO many amazing kits, not only Predator and Alien related that are in those pics.

I absolutely HAVE to attend one of these sometime. I'd be like a kid in a candy store. That Predator vs. T-Rex kit is freaking gnarly.

That's right, I said it's gnarly.
Had a great time at the 'fest as well! Here's a link to the photos I took while there:


Here are a couple of examples:




What? There are SO many amazing kits, not only Predator and Alien related that are in those pics.

I absolutely HAVE to attend one of these sometime. I'd be like a kid in a candy store. That Predator vs. T-Rex kit is freaking gnarly.

That's right, I said it's gnarly.

I never see ya around any more....so I was suprised when you posted. :duh:rotfl
Thanks for the pics, guys.

Any more info regarding the Big Green Guy in this picture? .

Actually...any more info regarding this company? I love that Wolverine.

Is there any information about the "Little shop of horrors" plant please?My stepson is MAD about this film and it d be a great present for him!
Is there any information about the "Little shop of horrors" plant please?My stepson is MAD about this film and it d be a great present for him!

Contact Ramsey at Devil's Own Resin, or Scott at WhitworthSculptureStudio. I'm not sure who was the owner of that, because it was in the middle of a table they shared. If I recall, it might be a one of a kind that was painted by and belongs to Joe Dunaway. (I'm probably wrong about the one of a kind thing, but not about the paint).
You have great taste. This piece was exquisitely painted. The photo is terrible. The eyes were absolutely alive on this piece. I would have paid a LOT to own this exact piece, even though it was small.

this is beautiful

Thanks for the pics, guys.

Any more info regarding the Big Green Guy in this picture? .


I've never used the word "hella" before, but this table is all kinds of hella awesome. What's that insect thing, a catepillar?