Would anyone else like SS to make a 12 inch Blackhole Stormtrooper?

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Khev said:
Contempt for what? EU? Extremely limited editions? Things that are black?

In general I don't like EU either but something from the "vintage" era of comics usually gets a pass from me. The EU I have little to no interest in is pretty much everything from those first Timothy Zahn books to the present (not counting the fantastic Clone Wars cartoons.)

Well, you and I have pretty much the same view on the EU then (except I would add James Luceno's books to the VERY SMALL amount of EU stuff that is actually worth being considered near "canon").

My 'contempt' is for something as completely uninspired as "Hey, let's take a Stormtrooper and make it all black!!!" not only becoming a popular idea among collectors, but having as much of an impact as that silly Gentle Giant's bust has. I mean, people are literally freaking out over that stupid thing and it's already several hundred dollars on the scalper... err, secondary market. INSANITY.

To me, this stuff is the equivalent of the variant/exclusive covers that basically helped ruin the comic book industry years ago. It's contrived and just flat-out tacky. And I hope to never see SSC stoop to that level.

Just my 2.5 cents.

I think it's contempt for a simple re-paint that causes panic because it's so limited.

I'd have to agree that I'd not want SSC to use valuable resources in putting out this figure. However since it's just a Stormtrooper molded in black, it shouldn't take too much away from other projects if they do it after the Stormie has been released.

That red knight guy is cool though. Isn't he awful close to what Kir Kanos would look like?
I hear ya IrishJedi. When I first saw all the hype about the GG bust I thought they were "pulling a Hasbro" and just doing a made up "Stealth/Shadow/Oil Slick/Model T"-whatever Trooper just to make some quick cash on a simple repaint.

But these guys I think are actually pretty cool and have some credible history to them.

*shrugs* If they did a straight Stormtrooper and somehow worked this one into next year without breaking stride on the others I think it'd be cool enough to get.
A Stormtrooper that is black? Wow, how original. I remember them in ummm the Black Hole.

lol. like i said before.. its not my thing, but the more Star Wars collectibles the better. how does that popular saying go?? "Once you go black, you never go back??" :emperor :emperor
Darklord Dave said:
I think it's contempt for a simple re-paint that causes panic because it's so limited.
Exactly, Dave. Even if I was a crazy EU junky, I think I'd rather have an interesting design, like the Empire Knight I mentioned, than just getting a straight repaint of a stormtrooper. An unspired repaint at that.
I'd have to agree that I'd not want SSC to use valuable resources in putting out this figure. However since it's just a Stormtrooper molded in black, it shouldn't take too much away from other projects if they do it after the Stormie has been released.
Yeah, I wouldn't get too worked up over a Black Hole Trooper, for just that reason. It's not like it'd be holding up a cool newer figure. But I wouldn't waste my shelf space or collecting funds on what, to me, is a boring repaint.
That red knight guy is cool though. Isn't he awful close to what Kir Kanos would look like?
True, but he's got a lightsaber. Everything's better with a lightsaber. (I wonder if their appearance being similar to the royal guards will be related to their origin.)
hairlesswookiee said:
lol. like i said before.. its not my thing, but the more Star Wars collectibles the better. how does that popular saying go?? "Once you go black, you never go back??" :emperor :emperor

Being of Jewish ancestory I try to convince the ladies that "once you go Jew, nothing else will do", it hasn't really caught on yet :monkey2
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Well, I've decided now. I bought one of the 3000 Medicom Blackhole troopers. I don't count on SSC to ever make one. They better concentrate to get the regular 12" armored characters right! :D

:lol :rotfl :rotfl

After nine months he decides. I still vote for wanting one.
Theres already one out, I doubt SS would top it or do it anyways even if they were close to makin troopers... remember the trooper quote from SS "perfection takes time"

I'll get this guy sooner or later.

Big pass from me for the Medicom Blackhole Trooper and if SS makes one I will pass on that one as well. I just don't think they look as cool as the standard white version.
Seth Gecko said:
Theres already one out, I doubt SS would top it or do it anyways even if they were close to makin troopers... remember the trooper quote from SS "perfection takes time"

I'll get this guy sooner or later.

Better make it sooner, since there are only 3000 around, and they are in stock now with SWS. I belive I've just been charged for it. Placed the order three days ago.
Darth Sheba said:
It's just...a trooper in black armor. :dunno
Yet it's like some secret crack for many collectors. It's also completely non-canon having originally appeared in one crappy vintage comic. I don't understand the appeal, either.

But to each his/her own. There is obviously a market for this thing.

What's next, the White Vader from ROTJ Infinities? :monkey4