I fully understand what Dusty is saying, but in a perfect world I would want to have an announcement at the begining of the year. That would make it much easier to plan what I want and when I'am gonna need extra money.
I think it would be nice to know the whole year's figures for budgeting purposes but the guessing about which figure will be next always provides some lively discussion on the boards,epecially when Sideshow give us occasional clue here and there so I'm of a mixed opinion when it comes to this.
I read Dusty's comments and they make sense, but I still voted for yearly schedule. Reason being is that for me, it would be cool to know so I could plan my funds accordingly and know what I wanted to buy and what I would pass on. I'd be willing to put up with a piece getting canceled or delayed ( Obi-Wan anyone? ) to know what was at least "planned" on.
Plus it would stop all the pissing an moaning every time a figure comes out that some people don't like
Well this for me personally is geared more towards the LOTR line. But it would be nice to get a ball park of whats planned.. maybe not exactly which character.. but maybe how many and from what lines!
While it would be nice to know a whole years worth of products right off the bat, I just don't think I could handle going a whole year without any new figure announcements.
All I'm going to say is there is enough *****ing about time between announcements now. I don't even want to imagine the amount of complaining if they had to wait a year.
Imagine if there's a character you are dying for (look down), there's always that hope that it could be the next character announced and that's what adds to the excitement of each announcement. I'd hate to know that I'd have to wait another year just for the shot that it might be announced.