I watched this again On Demand last type, only my second viewing after seeing it once in the theater. So much of it is just eye-rolling and poorly done, all the hand to hand combat basically sucks and Weapon X is a joke. Apocalypse looks silly and is basically a big dope. But just as with my first viewing I just couldn't bring myself to hate it when all was said and done, the 90's style cheese ended up growing on me and the main emotional beats all pretty much delivered when it counted.
One thing that I really liked in this movie that you almost never see in cbm's are the overlapping threads that indicate there is more going on in the world than just "Title bad guy against title good guys." If Apocalypse hadn't shown up you'd still have an entire movie's worth of stories with the X-Men dealing with Magneto, new recruits being trained, etc. Now I know that Apoc caused the earthquake which led to Magneto's identity being revealed but really any unrelated accident could have led to the same showdown between Magento and the cops, fellow workers, etc. In fact when Apoc shows up at the steel mill he basically ends one complete storyline that could have been all about Magneto on his own and commandeers it to be his own story. Having multiple characters with multiple and overlapping but otherwise unique agendas was actually really cool.
Too bad sum of the parts were greater than the whole in most instances (or was it the other way around, I'm still not sure, lol) with the exception of Wolverine which SHOULD have been this massive transcendent crowd pleaser but was just weak all around.
The way Magneto was brought into Apoc's fold, which prompted QS to go to the mansion, which organically allowed him to arrive just in time to save everyone from the explosion, pretty neat and clever stuff.
I still like the new kids the most and Jean's calvary moment was still really cool. I could have done with fewer moments of people screaming while wielding their powers though.