Let me clarify, when I rant about the X-men movies not being comicbooky enough, I mean the 1st three movies, I think the 1st Class and DOFP are a breed on their own and obviously a bit of a reboot, where they are slowly embracing their superhero heritage, now you have humor in those movies, you have Quick Silver, whom despite not having a comicbook accurate costume (and I'm fine with that) is still shamelessly ridiculous, which despite having like 5 minutes of screen time is a fan favorite highlight, then you also have the sentinels and time-freaking-traveling.
So calling these new X-men movies "grounded" is a bit of a stretch.
Even more, considering the next movie involves a 8 feet 5000 year near omnipotent grey skinned mutant.
Realism or ground should not be a concern when approaching the intrinsic nature of comicbook folklore, it should not be.
The setting and consequences is what makes people believe in them more easily, not diluting what makes these movies comicbook movies to begin with.
Like I said, you can make it believable without taking away the cool costumes, in fact 1st Class, while it may not have the classic costumes, it at least has something similar to the All-new Xmen costumes.
Now, talking apes, talking apes are not nearly anything like superhumans with superpowers, it's far lower in the "ridiculous" scale, so still don't see how the analogy works.
Again, there's no reason to neglect half of the identity of comicbooks when focusing on story and themes, the MCU has action and costumes that are serviceable to the plot.
If they neglect something as simple as the costumes that much, at one point they stop being the X-men and they turn into that "Heroes" TV show.
Yes they have plenty
moments where they're shown in regular clothes, but the vast overwhelming majority of the time they are in their X-men uniforms.
And actually, while Wolverine may not need a mask, they're uniforms because they're a team, and many of them have properties that adapt to the powers of their users, even as basic ones as to offer protection because not everyone has a healing factor.
But then we enter the territory of "Spiderman doesn't really need to be red and blue"... And then what's the point of making superhero movies anymore? If you just don't care about the fact that they come from comicbooks....
Not at all, RDJ is actually almost tailor made to play Tony Stark, Jackman has had good moments, but he's not near being the Wolverine I know from the comics and cartoons.
He's almost as off as Bale playing Batman.
Why forced? He needed the protection and the helmet, I feel the X-men movies being that reluctant to embrace their comic book heritage is more forced than that
Yes, it may have over the top moments, that's what happens when you have an all-comicbook villain organization like Hydra

Cap2 also has a more relevant theme than DOFP and tackles at moral questions in a more effective way than DOFP.
The 1st fight with WS was better yeah, but it had nothing to do with the fact that he wasn't wearing his costume, it was just a more dynamic fight.
Nah, don't worry about that brah

I enjoy debating with you, you know we can disagree to extremes and still be cool.