After the massive fail that was bronn in so pleased to see xensation is back killing it.
I think this character is incredibly uninteresting so it was a bit of a chore to get him but I knew I would because I?m a completionist and man it?s a good one. Especially considering one of the crappiest figures I?ve gotten in the last 3 years arrived the day before and that?s another GOT character the news TZ Dany proving once again an unlicensed company even through we all know who they actually are, can destroy the official company to hold the license.
I do agree that the body is too big and tall for him though. I managed to swap it to a true type thin with thicker arms and thighs and additional thigh padding out on but the novice won?t be able to do this. You have to break and unglue the armor and the whole shirt is stitched so you actually have to break off the arms to get the shirt off. Anyways this fixed the height and helped with the build a bit the thicker thighs especially.
The head is nice paint is nice. Not perfect but better than most three zero.I?ll do a couple paint tweaks to help the likeness but don?t care enough about this character to waste my time repainting it especially since the base paint is decent.
I don?t mind the boots again their boots look bette than any boots from theeezero and the weapons are beautiful. Real metal knife and spear with a wooden staff. For under 150 bucks? Well who?s gonna try and tell me this is not a killer figure and bang for the buck!