I'll still pick him up -- for that price, how can I resist? -- but he is a step down from Tywin and Davos.
They won't be able to tell that this isn't as good if you buy it anyway.
I'm going to hope for some tweaks. I love Bronn's character but he isn't essential for my shelf so I can be a little picky. I'll wait to see what the production figure actually looks like before deciding. If its completely as is, I'll likely pass.
The likeness reminds so much of someone else and I cant pinpoint it.
Look at all the excess glue on his rubber raincoat!
Are we sure that's not supposed to be weathering?
Sure looks like they glued the buckles and then had to move them because closing the jacket didn't line up.
Yeah, this is one of the roughest protos I've ever seen. Ay least I hope its a very rough proto. Would hate for Xensation to lose its winning streak so quickly.
Sure looks like they glued the buckles and then had to move them because closing the jacket didn't line up.