XM Studios Batman - KNIGHT of the RISING SUN 1/4 Premium Statue

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To me it doesn't look like a robot, it looks like they took Batman's modern armor (New 52, video games, Dar Knight movie type of style) and infused it with samurai stylings.

You can see the straps and buckles on different segments of the armor (around shoulders, ribs, upper thighs, etc) so it apparently is armor pieces over some type of body suit. Not too much different from actual samurai armor, it's just Batman-tized...even the movie look is just armor pieces over a body suit:





I think this mix of what is now thanks to the video games and movies the standard armored look for Batman with samurai sensibility was a much better decision than to just put standar sumurai armor over his body suit. This feels like a true Batman samurai...also reminds me of when I was a kid and there were all types of stylized Batman action figures to fit all types of situations Batman could be in.

Well said!!! Couldn't agree less.
Will have to detach these XM obsession. Like chasing a wilderbeast in America. One would have to kidnap this creature from a zoo. Of course the long method will cause Mr. Green to hunt them down, the illegal way, hehe.

And CBG for president hahaha

Y4NK33-PL4N3T probably posted some nuddie.

And we need CBG for class president! Who doesn't want stuff for less than retail and coupons like an old hags before their prime age? LOL x CBG
"Xm 1/4 scale Batman DONE!!!!
This is just the beginning........

Great thanks to Suheryanto Hatmaja for the sculp....we alway believe in you...

Awesome concept by xm design team /HMO/HIVE studio.... can't work without any of you...." XM FB













Man, what a fvcking gorgeous sculpt!!!!! And dig that beautiful flowing cape, outstanding! Can't understand why some would prefer cloth cape, as you would never be able to achieve this type of dynamic flow. Still waiting for SS to produce a fully sculpted Bats, & yes, with a flowing cape design, which would finally do this character justice. Not a fan of PF mixed media version, but since SS made a zillion, guess we'll have to wait a little longer, but man it will be so worth it.
What a BEAUTIFUL Batman Statue. This and the Iron Studios one are simply the best I've seen by any company, ever.

Might have to decide which to get.

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The concept looks great.
XM needs to get license to sell in the US... So they can take all my money.