Super Freak
I think SS pieces were easier to recast due to their simplicity, SS never went crazy with details on their statues... To try and make a recast of XM piece and make it look even close to the original would cost a lot of money, something I would imagine that recasters try to avoid.
Recasters sometimes get the exact mold from the factories. It falls off the truck so to speak. However, I haven't seen anything on any of the XM statues that a recaster couldn't get down with a high quality mold or two. There are step by step instructions on how to do it on the internet. Now yeah there could be details lost, the Hulks teeth on the recast of the Hulk Maq is and example, but if they spent the time they could fix that. The key would be the paint apps and how hard they are to reproduce. In the end, and I hate to say this, XM is in a horrible part of the world for recasters, and in fact have been accused of it themselves in the past. They will have some trouble with it if they are not careful. However, till the time that they start to surface there is no reason to really go over and over it.