Believe that its the original piece that XM has done and not the production piece. If you look at the production pieces a few pages back, the holes along the belt for the buckle are painted black, while the video shows that its silver. I have seen the sample last week at one of the comic shops and it was black.
Black or silver to me does not make much of a difference though.
If it's only that I can live with it
I'm more worried about the overall paint and specially the face, did it look as great as the proto in person?
Overall its very good imo. Paint was very close to the proto. I only snapped a few pics at the store and this was one of them.
Also, I did highlight some (minor) areas of improvement and XM said they were already on it.
Wow that looks even better than I first thought
Yeah, the body looks fantastic. Something about the head/face though. Just doesn't look right to me
Here you go.. Thats all i have atm.
Meh. Nowhere near as impressive as either any of SSC's captain america statues and that includes the Bucky PF and Cap movie PF as well. I'd rather get the new upcomming Cap PF. It will cost less to boot.
Your joking right?
I do prefer the original Comic & Hydra Caps but them 2?
My only problem with this Cap is the flat paint on this face. IMO it's not worth the 700$ asked...I hope Magneto will be better!
This is looks off in the face and upper body