I think for the occasional buyers like myself it's about being as diligent as possible about getting as much info as we can about PO times, paying very close attention during those times and being ready with no other pressing priorities.
Easier said than done for those of us that are very busy. I wasn't too keen on the costume choice for Ms. Marvel anyway, I'd prefer her black costume or Captain Marvel costume, so I'm not torn up about it but I completely missed her PO period. And even when we are ready, it's still not a guarantee. I made it in for a Phoenix PO and that PO night was crazy. People constantly refreshing and never making it, a lot of upset people...Ive made a few contacts with sellers since then but even with a relationship, I just don't order as frequently as some other people so that makes me lower priority to lock in a PO as the frequent spenders are prioritized, rightfully so. I'd like to get Thor and Daredevil, maybe Cable, but I have to gear myself now to not be upset if I somehow miss them and just move on.
But all rationale goes whenever they do Spidey. If I miss him I WILL have a meltdown. Completely irrational. I know it. But I wouldn't care.
At this rate Spiderman will be presold out by next week.... So get ready to weep.
This is the Thor to own it seems.
At this rate Spiderman will be presold out by next week.... So get ready to weep.
He's just kidding. But it's getting really tough to get these, and I've been ordering (or trying to order) most of the XM pieces. To date I only have received Captain America (which was pretty easy to get for quite some time) and Hulk (which is still readily available). So I guess I can't say for certain that I'll get the rest of my orders. Although I have no reason to believe I won't. But even the usual avenues haven't been that great of late and it'll probably only get worse.
Wait, what? You exaggerating for effect or did I miss a reveal/tease?
There may be some truth in it! What's stopping people from pre ordering now thru their "connections"? It's completely out of xm control if the "connections" decide to take PO now.
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We'll always have eBay.
Then you will really weep ahahaha
As a non-involved bystander, the VIP treatment and information sharing from XM to people is extremely unprofessional. Leaks are one thing, but if they want to take a step to the next level, this schoolyard secret talk should stop. Now, it could be a case of XM telling these distributors, then the distributors spilling the beans. In the end, I dont care. But reading posts of people saying things like "oh youre going to like it, but I cant tell or show you the pics i've seen". Only employees of XM should be saying that.
We live in a world dominated by social media venues such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We live in a world overrun by blogs, forums and other various websites. As a society we are involved in a perpetual 24/7 ongoing news cycle. All of this is based on people passing information...particularly inside information. People want to hear the leaks...they like knowing the inside scoop. As a football fan, I routinely log into ESPN.com because I am hoping a guy like Adam Schefter has some inside info as to what player my favorite team may wind up drafting. Is it "unprofessional" for Schefter to share information he secures from inside sources? Is ESPN paying him to be purposely be unprofessional? I don't think so. ESPN is paying Schefter to give their viewers and subscribers what they desperately want.
No disrespect intended, but I'm unclear how these leaks are going to prevent XM from getting to the next level. As long as they deliver sculpts like Captain America and Magneto, as long as future releases such as Thanos & Phoenix live up to the hype, as long as XM actively solicits input from customers, and as long as they continue to provide excellent customer service they will have no problem getting to the next level. IMHO most collectors will not care about the leaks.
The difference is I'm sure XM reveals these things to distributors or favored clients in an "off the record" manor. I doubt they say, "here's the info, don't tell anyone but flaunt it in people's faces". Using your reference, have you ever heard someone like Scheff say "I spoke to sources close to Dez Bryant, I know how he is feeling but I can not share the information."? Because that's what those insiders have been doing on this forum.
And I think they will do just fine. But it still doesn't make it a professional business model. Between the secret society and the reoccurring "Marvel is holding us up on a piece we've been teasing for ever"... I just feel it's in professional. The link to xenomorph was unsettling at first too, but with the official license with marvel... It is no longer a concern. Their focus on quality and customer service are their greatest accomplishments to date, and I really appreciate that.
PS: and no disrespect taken brother. This is just a friendly chat.