Super Freak
Being honest Josh I can see where you are coming from, but having trashed this one completely at one point, and having gone back to the drawing board I can't see them reworking this very much more simply from a cost perspective. I don't see them printing it up again... Maybe Seng or Ben could do something with it in the shop, but I don't know if they would be will to take the time again seeing as this has already been approved.
That's pretty sad.
I still see nothing wrong with it, the deltoid can stick out of the clothing just fine... see?
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At the end of the day, it only matters to the buyer. If the buyer doesn't see what you see and buys it, then that buyer is fine with it. If the buyer agrees with you, then the buyer won't buy this. So, whatever ...
I'm fine with this as is and I'm keeping my PO. If XM sees what you're talking about, then they'll fix it.
And that's fine, but I can see it, and it bugs the **** out of me when something, especially something that looks close to finished is off like that.