Then your a buyer because he's going to be priced $50-75 more then the other releases they have had thus far. Where in the heck did you come up with $1200 from Savage
Yeah that's what I figured. There's no need to throw around such outrageous numbers. If XM is in it for the long haul (which I certainly believe is the case), I can't see them gouging their customers on Mags. I think it would really hurt their brand if they did and they seem to be too on top of things for that to happen. It's refreshing seeing them conduct business the way they do.
OK James. If you don't mind my much did the XM Hulk set you back? The cost of Hulk should be a fair gauge as to how much Mags will be going for shipped. You know I'm going to be bugging you for the best route to take when Mags finally goes up for sale.