Just spoke to simply toys on the phone and they said Magento is coming next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. If you may indulge me. How much did everything cost with shipping?
I don't think you can really compare HT to XM in terms of sculpting. HT base their sculpts of real people while XM is created through just pure imagination art.
Both stand out regardless.
Not bad at all and well worth the price.
Yeah and this was without the member pricing. Will be at elite pricing after wolverine comes out.
I'm totally late to the whole XM Studios thing, i knew of them but more recently i've been looking at them in more detail, how are people getting hold of these outside of Singapore, what is the general method for everyone here?
Some north american sites are carrying them like simpletoys And bbts, also some resellers based in singapore are also selling some
I can do that when I get mine but it will b a whileplease pictures alongside the x men sideshow , someone
fortunate to get a piece of magneto