If XM acquires the DC license SS will become even less important to me. Fully sculpted is my preferred choice and it's sad to say but very seldom can SS pull off a excellent quality fully sculpted statue as of late. It boggles me because when you go back and look at the grails of old SS was untouchable! Hulk, Cap, Thor, IM Maquette and Comiquette, Spiderman, Venom, Carnage, Abom, and Doom to name a few. These were high quality and amazingly well done statues. Heavy, great paint application, details galore. Pricing was cheaper then it is now. Noone can refute the quality of all of those amazing statues yet today they just don't exist. Maybe Deadpool can hang with those. I'm sure a few others I'm leaving out to be fair but nowhere near the anticipation that I have for almost every single one of XMs releases. I truly hope SS gets their head of of their ass and comes back with a vengence. As of right now they are a distant 2nd in my PO list