Honestly, very honestly, we know as a fact that the first head done by XM was different. It had a Dolph Lundgren vibe to it with a classic Punisher hairstyle. But the Olivetti style head sculpt surfaced very early too so my guess would be that the main goal initially was to make that other (Lundgren) head as the main sculpt to differenciate this statue from the Sideshow one and throw in the Olivetti style as an extra for the comiquette fans.
Then people bragged to no end comparing it to the comiquette and XM decided to make the Olivetti head as the main sculpt and add a second head which is the one we saw some time later and that's not very convincing imho. This is just my guess but the timing suggest that this is what happened.
Also, just to prove my point very quickly, look at this guy. Dmitry Klokov is an olympic lifter who also competed in aesthetic bodybuilding and swimming, notice how his traps, shoulders and forearms are clearly god-tier level while his arms are "only" average big sized arms that you can find in most regular gyms. Also notice the difference between his appearance when he's clothed and when his torso is naked, with the shirt on it just doesn't give the idea of how wide his shoulders are and how thick his neck and traps are.
Now compare his clothed pic to the Punisher above, and you can see a very close rensemblance in the body type. That's the effect of clothes on vs clothes off if said clothes cover your shoulders and most of your arms.
Then people bragged to no end comparing it to the comiquette and XM decided to make the Olivetti head as the main sculpt and add a second head which is the one we saw some time later and that's not very convincing imho. This is just my guess but the timing suggest that this is what happened.
Also, just to prove my point very quickly, look at this guy. Dmitry Klokov is an olympic lifter who also competed in aesthetic bodybuilding and swimming, notice how his traps, shoulders and forearms are clearly god-tier level while his arms are "only" average big sized arms that you can find in most regular gyms. Also notice the difference between his appearance when he's clothed and when his torso is naked, with the shirt on it just doesn't give the idea of how wide his shoulders are and how thick his neck and traps are.
Now compare his clothed pic to the Punisher above, and you can see a very close rensemblance in the body type. That's the effect of clothes on vs clothes off if said clothes cover your shoulders and most of your arms.