I plan on displaying with the Byrne head.Im hoping I get it soon.Nice pics.
The curly haired sculpt should never come off the XM statue .....
She's not very pretty. They should have done a third, pretty head based on the Avengers John Buscema/Tom Palmer art of the 80's. At least she's not holding a parking meter for chrissakes...jesus, what a joke that was...
The head sculpts on this are fantastic. She is one fine looking lady. I have no complaints about this like I do with Elektra.
She's not very pretty. They should have done a third, pretty head based on the Avengers John Buscema/Tom Palmer art of the 80's. At least she's not holding a parking meter for chrissakes...jesus, what a joke that was...
I couldn't disagree more. That Byrne portrait is pure perfection.
What's the story behind "Tobias"?
Congrats on the pickup stampe she more than holds her own against the SS PF. She's way bigger too bulk wise which is a plus for me.