Hopefully I don't come off negative here, But the paint job on the base is pretty poor. the rubble just appears to be of 1 colour
I say nay.. I think a weapon of some type like broken or damaged may look more realistic then another endo part..Unless you were gonna weather the endo arm..and I think your base would be awesome weathered also.. But I would kill to own one of those.. very nice dude.. can we get a shot of the entire endo..
I'd go wit nay as well. Doesn't really add anything to the base IMO and kinda distracts the eye from the feet since there's no real color/texture contrast.
If I were you, I'd lose the upper arm and pose it seperately like the loose arm from T2 or trade/sell it for something else.
And to theshape6, camera flash always flattens out depth and color differences so I'm sure it looks a lot better in person.
Nah, definately would take away from the center of attention and plus wouldnt you rather have this as another display piece.
You should add some torn wires to the shoulder socket and mount it on a base with a acrylic cover and a metal name plate. Man, thats what I would do and add some sweet blue LEDs with it.