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Very early on in this thread, I said he either must have a business of being involved in making/selling those things. Either that or he has family ties in politics ..Filo politics is incredibly profitable (corrupt). Well according to recent posts, it seems that I was on the right track. I also put across that he could have probably helped a few barangays (towns), with the money he would have spent in buying his collection ..or recasting, ..whatever lol. I dunno guys, if I had the kind of moolah to do something good with, I know what I'd choose to do ..for both personal satisfation, as well as having a good name amongst my community. That's just me though, based on having lived in his country for a few years and seeing how people really live over there.

Which leads me to the boy group thing, I don't believe it would be capable of raking in the money to afford all of the stuff he has on its own - the Filo entertainment industry is flooded with these types of groups who get exposure on their TV channels. I've seen some total knobs from the phils (and foreigners as well), have an opportunity to go the TV stations there and get on shows.

I must say however, that there is no reason yexel cant speak for himself here. English is the second most spoken language in the Philippines, and is mandatory to learn in schools from a very young age. Typing it out on the KB is even easier, so speak up for yourself here pare :)

Otherwise, Yexy: Write up a response in tagalog, post it here, and I'll translate it for ya. Also, I'll be in Makati early next year. I beleive you are in LAs Pinas? cool - I have familia there so could drop by about inviting me to your place so I can help you with the language barrier thing to sort this out? Would be awesome to see your jeepney with NOS at the same time! :D
So hes a fast and furious ricer to? The total image is starting to make sense.

Im very content with my limited collection, if I had everything I would never look forward to anything.
So he's a recaster and steals photos of other's work. This is not his Rocky. It was sculpted, painted by Howard of howard S. Studios.

still in the process


..[/color] :D
joyrock - hanging out at the service station on Fri/Sat nights to street race is big over there, bit of money to be made from betting ..quite a few imitation vehicles on the roads there as well lol :)
Ah, I have a 850hp mr2 here in the states and I cant tell you the hassle I get. I just dont understand putting others lives on the line to make a quick buck, I thought the backup dancing paid for his bills?

Back to the point at hand, I would seriously trip out in that house. A puppermaster moment, all the toys come to life and no good comes from it.
"Happy people are those who don't have many things in life, but they know how to make the best of the few things they have......."
Yexel is a recaster??? when did this happen? I knew he had the Iron SPiderman that sort of qualified as a recast, but you guys are telling me the entire collection is recast?

Someone, please tell me the oversized bear is at least an original piece.
He obviously knows he was busted because he hasn't posted in this thread since he was found to be a recaster.
Yeah, his Iron Man maquette is clearly a recast. I wouldn't doubt that he has very few original pieces. Recasters just don't care. They will copy an original to make $$ and keep one for themselves.
I am REALLY surprised he is not banned....I guess Sideshow doesn't care about recasters as long as they follow the forum rules.
recasters only suck when you happen to buy one of thier pieces of sht as an original :lol:lol:lol

no j/k they suck all the time:cool:
Yeah, his Iron Man maquette is clearly a recast. I wouldn't doubt that he has very few original pieces. Recasters just don't care. They will copy an original to make $$ and keep one for themselves.
I am REALLY surprised he is not banned....I guess Sideshow doesn't care about recasters as long as they follow the forum rules.

Who cares if he's banned or not? You think his or anyone else's life will change because they were banned from an internet forum?
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