Super Freak
Exactly my thoughts! The eyes are so/so, but I stop to check him out every time I walk by. Congrats on getting a really really cool bust !
Ryanfromindiana said:Exactly my thoughts! The eyes are so/so, but I stop to check him out every time I walk by. Congrats on getting a really really cool bust !
P1X4R said:got mine today! :chew
i can't wait to open it later.
MaulFan said:Glad to see you like him Loki, I told you he'd be worth the way, it's like having Yoda right there with you.
Darth Loki said:He certainly was worth the wait. I can't wait for my Dad to see him, he's gonna flip out.
MaulFan said:Is your dad a Yoda fan?
Darth Loki said:Yoda and Vader. My Dad was a huge SW fan and is the reason it is so special to me. We would watch the movies all the time and we'd always watch the OT on Thanksgiving.
I bought him a Vader PF for his birthday last year
geto10 said:He looks really good in the day light
Darth Loki said:He looks pretty damn awesome in just about any light