You know you are SSC obsessed when...
1) You find yourself ironing your figures/PFs clothes more than your own.
2) SSC boxes take up more room in your closet than your clothes/shoes.
3) You schedule dinner parties with friends around collectible arrivals.
Any more?
I've often considered steaming the PF clothing.

I have two closets full of SSC boxes
While I don't schedule dinner parties around them I've often found myself telling my wife "I can't go yet FedEx hasn't come...."
you stay up into the early hours of the morning on this damn site
Or wake up early and check this site first.
you don't go out with your friends when a figure or statue comes because you just want to stay at home and admire it....
Usually I'll invite them over as well...
You adjust your social/work schedule around the Newsletter
I do nothing from 5:50 PM until 7:00 PM only resuming activities after I've seen the orders of the NL.
When even your wife knows the makers of your toys.
She even knows sculptors...
When you talk about your toys on an internet site.
When you have over 9k posts on that forum...
Damn it.
When you long for the scent of freshly painted polystone..
They should bottle that stuff....I'd spray it in my car.
When your collectables have seen you masterbate...
Well they are in good company.
When you tell your boss you'll have to take off from work to sign for a package.
Or get them sent to work and wait past your "clock out" time until UPS shows up.
When you spend more time looking at Premium Formats on the Internet than naked lady sites
Does multitasking both count?
When you pose naked women in front of them .....
This is why I love when Shai shares his wife won't let me post the ones I've taken.
When you play hookey (spell error) so you can wait around all day for a package that needs a signature.
or when you miss it due to being in the bathroom or shower call frantically to UPS/FedEx and arrange to meet the driver somewhere to get it. spend the entire week of Spooktacular in spook chat... are incredibly stoked when you win a keychain or Frisbee in Spook chat contests... willingly pay shipping charges for the Frisbee...
I would probably pay the shipping on a bumper sticker if I won it in Spook chat....I miss Spook Chat.
its funny because its true
Its also sad because its true....
When you are the administrator of an internet site dedicated to them...
One day.
When you have to move the Sideshow boxes off the bed so you can go to sleep, and then put them back there in the morning because they've nowhere else to go...
Does stacking them neatly underneath count?
When it is a rough decision --To get something new for family or that grail you have been wanting....
No decision needed....Always go with the Grail and then tell the family it was preordered a while ago and you forgot about it.
You know you are SSC obsessed when you start a Thread about how you know you are SSC obsessed.
How about taking time to read them all?
when you calculate the cost of everyday things by what SS stuff you could buy with that amount of money and then make the decision on if you really need that everyday thing more than the SS equivalent you could buy with that money.
e.g. A lawnmower is 1 PF.
And the price of one full meal at Red Robin with the wife is the same as Subject 138 shipped to my house.
when you spend your day off sitting on your ass and on this forum..
How about sitting around at work, on your ass with different things at the ready in case you boss walks in?
or you spent your "beer/party" money on toys.
Its more like sometimes I spend my toy money on beer.
When "Sideshow" is a saved search in your Ebay account.
As well as the Oulf's and a few other notables.
You know you are SSC obsessed when...Your dreams at night are about finding the Son of Frankenstein SSE 12 Inch Figure on ebay & then getin outbid
Man....the scary thing is that dream is repeatable with different pieces night after night...
....when you spend all day loitering on Sideshow Booth during Comic-con
Haven't been to SDCC but loitering around the SSC booth when I eventually go is on my to-do.
....when during evacuation time, the first thing on your mind is to save the Doom PF
I've actually had nightmares that an Earthquake would hit and smash my Doom PF to the ground.
....when your garage looks like a warehouse
A snapshot of my garage and SSC's shipping warehouse would look eerie in similarity.
....when you dream about hugging or meeting Darklord Dave
Well...I can cross this one off of my list so I guess I'm not that obsessed.
....when your forum name starts with Darth
"The" is pretty notable too....
Oh yeah well my whole house looks as if it were a Sideshow warehouse.
Brown Boxes everywhere!!!!!!!!!!
My coverted office still has a closet in it that can't be opened without the avalanche of boxes coming down.
....when you wear a T-shirt that says "Hasblow" or "Gentle Giant can suck on this"
Or how about "Will prostitute for Polystone"?
Me too...
When you have a poster of Pitu on your wall
Yet another I can cross off...
That was funny wasn't it?
You know you are SSC obsessed when... You beg Them for a job.
Ask Dusty, already happened.
You know you are SSC obsessed when...they have your money before you get paid.

sad because its true.
when your closet looks like tetris
I was just humming that when I was trying to fit more boxes in the closet of doom.
when you plan flex pay items for the next year
Ugh...I have multiple things this year on FLEX already.
You know you are SSC obsessed when... You play the Lotto in hopes of a win so that you could own the company.
Not to own it just one of everything in it...
when you wish or are willing to give your left nut for that ringwrath PF
Ringwrath PF no. Full size 1:1 Iron Man Comiquette....sure.
I have already done that!
The nut thing?
when you wait on your tax return and plan to use some on the lurtz PF
Mine is going to the Iron Man 1:1 Bust.
LOL>yeah i'm in untill may already
Who knows how far out I am.
I have done most of these things. Also catch myself in thoughts like, "I have to live at least until April so I can get my Hot Toys Predator 1. After that, it's up in the air."
The only reason I don't use mortality in that scenario is because I'm taking them with me with I go.
if that's the case my house is like tetris!

It'd be interesting to see Dave or Lonnie's garages...
when you have sold your own blood to pay for some collectible............hey pix....
Does Sperm count?
i think that one takes the cake.
All The Above.
I admit it, I am a ADDICT and I dam proud of it.
hip hip hooray!!!!
when looking for a new place to live the first thing you see is whether or not your packages will be safe on the doorstep..
LOL, I've often wondered if I have to plant hedges to see if I can cover up the step more.
You know you are SSC obsessed when... Your idea of World News is the Sideshow Podcasts!
Or you refer to key dates in history to ordering dates for SSC.
when you're madder than a mada' because you have to wait after the holidays to pre- order the new alien queen facehugger.
Tell me about it, I would have been fine ordering on the holiday....anyone else?
When it affects you deeply when your favorite line is "PUT ON HOLD"
Or you take it personally.
When you buy a bigger house just to hold more collectibles.
If I move its the first thing I'm noting.
I think this one is the best so far.
It was good wasn't it?
...when you change the sign you are holding to read "Will work for SS collectibles".
Or "Give Head for Polystone" would attract attention too... thank god every night for giving you that extra kidney to buy more statues.
and a lung, and a testicle, etc.
You hope they make a Jar Jar 1/6 figure just to complete your collection
The sad thing I'd probably buy it.
i'm working on this as we speak
When you look on ebay for SSC figures you might possibly kitbash, even though you have no interest in that particular line.
When you don't acknowledge Hot Toys as the best 1/6 maker even though it's blatantly clear.
I can check this off...I kneel to HT.
how about when you call in sick to work so you dont miss the PPO.
Or schedule work around a PPO at the office....I usually do that with my lessons. They'll have SSR this Friday.
when you **** your weiner
you deny it's an obsession and justify your behaviour as a disorder. One you have no intention of addressing.
Like alcholism!
When you have dios, 1/6th figures, and PFs in your collection with room for Hot Toys! Also at Bodie from the first page.
When you’re more worried about saving your collectables in a fire than yourself/family.
Just my Marvels.
When during an earthquake, the first thing you do is run for your collectibles to make sure they don't fall. (Which I have done during a small one.)
We had a small tremor a few months back first thing I did was go check the collectibles.
When you actually say hello to your collectibles when you come home from a long day. (Which I have done also unfortunately.)
Does kissing the Hulk hello count?
When you kiss them all good night
Oh...I guess so.
when you can't sleep and so you start imagining all of your figures fighting and debating who would win between your good guys and bad guys
Or if TOY STORY were real how much more awesome your room would be than Andy's....
...When every time you hear a car you got to the window to check if its UPS, only to make a crazy unprofessional video of you screaming like a girl cause you have wanted that thing since you preorder it and the smell of new Polyston/Plastic makes you crazy and then put it on youtube
Haven't put it on YouTube....yet....
I love the smell of polystone.
Second only to ^^^^^
when you're supposed to get an important gift for someone and you end up cheaping out on it to get yourself the latest figure or statue you wanted.
Describes every holiday right there.
....when you know all the orc's name in the Lord of the Rings movie
Not sure how that connects to SSC but yeah I'm with you...
Thats why we need Polystone air freshener!!!!!!
I wouldn't mind getting those instead of another Catalog 9.
when you go to disneyland and can't wait to come back because you are watching a sideshow piece of ebay.
Or how about you are at Disneyland but won't get on a ride because you'll lose service trying to order something online.
Apparently I'm guilty of a bunch of these.
1:05 PM Here
Me too?
That was funny...
When you are waiting for a package and can no longer wait and have to leave the house and you see a UPS truck drive by and you follow it all the way back to your home and take the package from the driver! Not that I've done that........
I've actually met the driver back at the depot once.
or when you see the truck blocks away from your home and you fallow it to his next stop and ask him if he has your package.
Or call UPS to make sure he didn't miss your house.
(That's how you MultiQuote Beeyaaaaaches)