I sure do. Those were the days (both good -- for my craving -- and bad -- for my budget). But in fairness to Sideshow, I'm speculating that those sculpts were already probably pretty much done by the Weta artists and all they had to do was duplicate and market? And since Weta was directly involved (and had already done the collaboration with New Line for the art design for the movies), the approval phase of each piece was probably a lot easier and much faster -- and maybe even non-existant.
Going back to LOTRFan's post: "And to follow up (sorry for the double post), the sad thing is; we can almost predict the threads now:
1) Announcement
2) Gripe and Praise threads
3) For those griping a repremand that they at least got something
4) A possible shot in the arm thread, generating excitement"
Unfortunately, past experience has shown that this is a likely scenario. In fact, I am thinking that, after Sideshow finally announces the next piece(s), they'll be in a situation of damned-if-they-do/damned-if-they-don't. I can't see how they're gonna win unless they put out something that will absolutely please everyone....which isn't going to happen even if it was gold-plated, gem-encrusted, and had a limited edition of 750 for $150.
I'll admit to being a fangurl, but I am a rational one. So I can't help thinking that this dearth of ANY information from the SS folks on these pieces' status indicates issues NOT of Sideshow's making, but in the approval process -- which they may not have complete control over. They may even be a gag rule in effect. As frustrated as I am, I'd like to still give them the benefit of doubt.