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Bannister said:
I am going to stick with the PF line, but I am done with LOTR 12".
The only PF I think I would consider getting from this line at this point would be Gimli....though sadly I don't think he will be one of the ones that get made.
Patience is a virtue. I think with ANH 30th there has obviously been a push to get some major SW 12" (and others) ready for pre-order and release this year. Once we start getting these pre-orders (from the ANH Leia 12" and the CIV Exc) from now until May things will even out with multiple LOTR PF announcements, several new LOTR 12" to coincide with Faramir's release (can anyone say :gandalf and :gimli ) and even a revival of the 12" Bond line with a couple of Casino Royale (accurate) 12" figs.

At least that's my hope. A New Hope one might say...
LOTRFan said:
I know that everyone is frustrated, but really --- they definately aren't cancelling anything.

- 2 PF's in the line, with both being available to purchase for well over a year, and neither one being sold out.
- no new PF's announcements in over 14 month's [see above for a possible reason why].
- 2 legendary scale busts, one sold out [the Morgul Lord....only because SS didn't raise the edition size from 600 to 800 as they announced they would] and one still available [ the cave troll...which was produced as a model kit long before SS slapped a nameplate on it and called it their own].
- another bust on the way that many people aren't buying because of the $340 price tag
- the first diorama on the way which includes two 4" figures, and which should come in an exclusive edition that includes a pair of reading glasses so many of us can actually see the figures

Yeah, this line is in great shape, why would they ever consider cancelling it :lol
Hey slow down there woodsy, I didn't say that I was in agreement with the decisions, release pace or marketing choices. I only stated that given LOTR's appeal and presence in SS promotions and events it is not being cancelled.